Monday, October 31, 2016

How to create opportunities using think and grow rich

When the opportunity came, it appeared in a different form, and from a different direction than Barnes had expected. That is one of the tricks of opportunity.

It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often it comes disguised in the form of misfortune, temporary defeat, or work. Perhaps this is why so many fail to recognize opportunity. The Secret really is to be aware of the pending opportunity.

Mr. Edison had just perfected a new office device known at that time as the Edison Dictating Machine, later the Ediphone. His sales force were not enthusiastic over the machine. They did not believe it could be sold without great effort.

Barnes saw his opportunity. It had crawled in quietly, hidden in a queer looking machine that interested no one, but Barnes and the inventor.

Barnes knew he could sell the Edison Dictating Machine. He suggested this to Edison, and promptly got his chance. He did sell the machine. In fact, he sold it so successfully, that Edison gave him a contract to distribute and market it all over the nation. Out of that business association grew the slogan, Made by Edison and installed by Barnes.

Do you think Edison and Barnes knew The Secret would someday help so many people in their everyday lives? They had a partnership and worked together using each of their own personal skills to get the job done.

When we learn to co-operate with others and pool our strengths, a few can do what many sometimes can not.

That business alliance operated for more than thirty years. Out of it Barnes made himself rich in money, but he also did something infinitely greater. He has proven one really may think and grow rich.

Start Exactly Where You Are Right Now

He had nothing to start with, except the capacity to know what he wanted and the determination to stand by that desire until he realized it.

He had no money to begin with. He had little education. He had no influence. But he did have initiative, faith, and the will to win. With these intangible forces he made himself number one man with the greatest inventor who ever lived.

It is really not surprising or a secret. Anyone who pursues a single objective with the same focused passion is sure to get it.

And what critical event elevated Barnes from a clerk to a partner of this preeminent businessman? What changed his destiny from a get by paycheck to massive wealth, opulence, and privilege?

Listen to these next words with all the fiber of your soul as they hold the key to your advancement with any person in the world you wish to partner with.

The Secret? Well, it should be common sense. What he did that got him in to see Edison, is the same strategy you can use with anybody today. He solved a problem. He solved the current greatest problem Edison had.

Edison knew the potential of his invention, but he needed a sales force to carry it out. Up steps Barnes. That is all there is to it.

This is a perfect illustration of why you hear me say so often, entrepreneurs embrace problems! Entrepreneurs search out problems. Because problems provide opportunities.

Entrepreneurs and achievers know this. Ordinary people like the ordinary competitors Barnes had who had first dibs just see the problem.

The information in this story is inspiring because it tells us that there are no special types of people , geniuses or luck as some might think when the opportunity comes along to seize the moment and take what looks like a disaster to some and turn the situation into a positive experience.

Some people have even thought of these opportunities as being in the right place at the right time or perhaps they have an inside track or know The Secret that only they are privy to. Another way these thinkers have been thought of was to call them visionaries. All of these descriptions of people who take a chance are true. Look ahead at what can happen instead of what can not.

After reading The New Think and Grow Rich, you will be included in the group of people who see possibilities, not defeat.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to win more from the casinos

It may be for the excitement, it may be for a vacation but it is the dream of going home a big winner that keeps us going back to the casinos, but are there ways other then cheating that can help you take home more cash? The answer is yes.

Believe it or not gambling at on online casino is a great way to gain experience so that you can win some big money in the casinos.

May online casinos besides having games as low as 50 cents, also have practice rooms that are free. You are given some play money to make your bets, but no real money is exchanged.

These practice rooms are available for most of the different casino games like poker, blackjack, roulette and baccarat.

This is a great way to gain experience. Not only do you get to play, you also get the experience of playing against other people instead of a computer. This allows you to learn how to watch their betting habits to look for patterns. This may not be so important in a game like roulette or craps but in poker this is almost as important as the cards you are dealt.

These patters are called tells. A tell is when someone gives away their hand by an involuntary action.

Some common tells are the way players arrange their cards, or playing with their chips when they have a good hand, or rubbing their face when they are bluffing

In a practice poker room you also get the experience of learning how to watch your money, without losing your shirt when you make a mistake, which will happen at first.

On of the biggest problems with learning to gamble in a casino is that the dealer and the other players are not forgiving. By this I mean let’s say you are playing roulette, a first time player may not know that until all winnings are placed on the table you may not take your winnings. Getting a warning from the dealer the first time you play can be embarrassing and unnerving to a new player.

So by playing in an online casino at first you will learn the rules, procedures and the etiquette for playing in a land based casino.

If poker is your game it is a little different, most games depend on luck and all you really need to know if the basics, but poker is totally different because you are playing against other layers that know all this information already. when you feel confident enough then go to the casino and find the game you want to play and spend some time watching the other players. You want to find a table where all the players are less skilled then you. This will give you the edge, but make sure you watch carefully. Many times players will do things to make themselves look worse then they really are to give the other players a false confidence.

Then as you see yourself getting better and better you can move up to higher stakes tables and against better players.

Once you get confident and see your skills increase so will your bank account.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Fly fishing accessories hanging stuff around your chest

If you are going fly fishing, you need to have your critical gear with you while wading and casting. One of the critical pieces of equipment is your vest.

Fly Fishing Accessories – Hanging Stuff Around Your Chest

Construction workers have tool belts to hold everything they need while working. Fly fishing anglers have the same thing in the vest. They hold your tools of the fly fishing trade. Without them, you will be endlessly hunting for flies, repellant, grapplers and so on.

This necessary fly fishing clothing comes in a variety of styles. Old school vests are the best in my opinion. They fit and look like regular clothing vests, but are made with mesh pockets and water proofing material. I find they are perfect for holding the necessary fly fishing gear. They are also good because the distribute the weight of your junk…err, gear across your shoulders and back. Any fly fishing gear shop should have them.

Being a consumer society, more than a few companies have come up with advancements in ways to carry around your gear. Typically, they come in the form of modular systems hanging over the shoulder. They look like travel fannypacks hanging off the front of each shoulder. Depending on the brand, they may have a rear or front fanny pack and even both. Some anglers love these more modern gear accessories. Personally, I find them ungainly and annoying, but to each their own. I strongly suggest you fit yourself with one of these new systems before committing to buy them.

When considering how you will hold your stuff, you should give a good bit of thought to what you want it to hold. Personally, I want mine to hold sunscreen for my bald head, insect repellent, clippers, forceps, a poncho for rain, my car keys, line and, of course, flies. I don’t like hauling my stuff up and down the shore, so I tend to load up like a Sherpa. You might prefer a less demanding approach. The point is to figure out what is best for you and then buy a version that meets your needs.

If you are going to get serious about angling, you will need to a way to lug your stuff around with you. Figure out what you want to put in yours and then make your selection.

Friday, October 28, 2016

What is the root cause of the middle east conflict a response to bishop riah anglican bishop of jerusalem

On Thursday 16th March 2006 I attended a talk given by Bishop Riah, the Bishop of Jerusalem, on the situation in the Middle East at All Hallows on the Wall Church in the City of London. The bishop was introduced by Rev. Garth Hewitt of the Amos Trust who had organised the meeting.

Summary of Bishop Riah's talk.

In his talk he said that he was totally committed to cause of peace in the Middle East and that once peace comes to Jerusalem it will come to the whole world. The root cause of the lack of peace is the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the separation wall, which separates Jerusalem from the West Bank, separates families and communities and frustrates free movement for the Palestinian population. He said that 46% of the West Bank has already been lost to Israel to make way for the settlements. Settlers around Jerusalem number about 200,000, with another 200,000 in the rest of the West Bank. He said there is 70% unemployment, 40-45% in West Bank, 80% in Gaza. 53 Palestinians per month are being killed and 4000 Palestinian homes have been demolished since 2000.

For the sake of Israel he advocates a two state solution which the Arab world would accept if Israel withdrew to the pre 1967 borders. Critics of Israel are often accused of anti-Semitism. The Arab world is not anti-Semitic. The Arabs have lived with the Jews for centuries and would do so in peace if Israel did not act aggressively towards the Arabs. The region could become a Switzerland of the Middle East with different people living side by side and trading with each other and living in peace with each other. The Church has a role to play in restoring hope to the Palestinians. The call to disinvest shows the anger of Christians with occupation. Sanctions should be put in place against all goods produced in settlements. The occupation is the root cause of the conflict. Terrorism is the response to this situation and would cease if there was a just settlement.

Response to Bishop Riah's talk.

Occupation or Arab rejectionism the root of the conflict?

The Bishop claimed to be totally committed to peace. But in the whole talk there was no mention of Arab rejectionism as a root cause of the conflict. In 1948, 1967, 1973 Israel fought wars against Arab armies committed to their destruction. The issue was not the occupation but the existence of Israel. On May 27th 1967 Egyptian President Nasser said, 'Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel'. After the 6 Day War Israel offered to return the territories in return for peace and recognition from Arab world. This offer was rejected at the Khartoum Conference of the Arab League. On September 1st 1967 they issued a resolution announcing the three 'No's': 'No peace, no recognition, and no negotiation.'

In the question time Bishop Riah compared the 6 Day War to European wars. These were in the past but now Britain, France and Germany are no longer minded to go to war. This is a false comparison. Large elements in Arab society have the same view as the one expressed by Nasser above concerning Israel, including the party now ruling the Palestinian Authority.

The shock election victory of Hamas over the Fateh party in the Palestinian elections in January 2006 means that the government of the Palestinian Authority is now in the hands of people who are committed to the elimination of Israel. The Charter of the Hamas movement makes this absolutely clear.

Article Six

The Islamic Resistance Movement [Hamas] is a distinct Palestinian Movement which owes its loyalty to Allah, derives from Islam its way of life and strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine (i. e. Israel and the West Bank and Gaza must ultimately become one Arab Muslim


Article Eight

Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Qur'an its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah its most sublime belief (i. e. this is as unchangeable as the Qur'an is for the Muslim).

Article Eleven

The Islamic Resistance Movement believes that the land of Palestine has been an Islamic Waqf (a possession of Muslims which cannot be given to non Muslims) throughout the generations and until the Day of Resurrection, no one can renounce it or part of it, or abandon it or part of it. This is the status [of the land] in Islamic Shari'a, and it is similar to all lands conquered by Islam by force, and made thereby Waqf lands upon their conquest, for all generations of Muslims until the Day of Resurrection (i. e. any land once Islamic must be returned to Islamic rule and remain so until the end of the world. No treaty or agreement which contradicts this has any validity).

Before the election Hamas leader Khaled Mash'al spoke at a rally in Damascus broadcast on Al-Jazeera TV (30/12/05): 'Who can tell, my brothers and sisters, when we will celebrate, on this podium, the liberation of the West Bank? When will we celebrate the liberation of Jaffa, Haifa, Safed, and the Negev? When will we celebrate the departure of the last Zionist from our land? Yes. Some people ask when this will happen. Say: It could be soon. Such is our faith in Allah. We have no doubt that victory will come, and that just as we liberated Palestine from the Crusaders and from the Mongols,

we will regain it - pure and purified - from the Zionist occupiers.'

Hamas is more extreme than Fatah but the Palestine National Covenant, the guiding charter of the PLO also calls for the destruction of Israel by armed struggle.

I would counter Bishop Riah's position by saying that the fundamental cause of the conflict is Arab rejectionism of the right of Israel to exist. In fact the cause of the Israeli occupation of the territories (Golan, West Bank, Gaza, Sinai) in the first place was Arab rejectionism of Israel. One could even say that the retention of these territories relates to Arab rejectionism, with Sinai returning to Egypt when President Sadat signed a peace treaty with Israel, but the Golan not returning to Syria because of Syrian rejection of Israel.

What about Arab Christians?

Since Bishop Riah represents Arab Christian interests one would expect him to be concerned about the Islamic aspects of the Hamas charter. Already in Gaza there are attacks on Christians and death threats to the Bible Society operating there. Israel within the pre 1967 borders gives freedom to Arab Christians to organise their communities in ways which are totally denied them in parts of the Middle East where Islamic fundamentalism has power. In his talk there was no mention of the sufferings of Christians at the hands of Muslims in the West Bank and Gaza. One would imagine that all their problems are Israel's fault. In a conversation I had with a member of the audience afterwards he told me that Israel was pushing the Christians out of the West Bank, which I strongly disagreed with.

A report in WND (World Net Daily) 27/12/05 says: 'All this talk about Israel driving Christians out and causing pain is nonsense,' a Bethlehem Christian community leader told WND. 'You want to know what is at play here, just come throughout the year and see the intimidation from the Muslims. They have burned down our stores, built mosques in front of our churches, stole our real estate and took away our rights. Women have been raped and abducted. So don't tell me about Israel. It's the Muslims.' The Bethlehem leader, like many Christians on the streets here, would not provide his name

for publication for fear of retaliation. Evidence for what he says is not hard to find.

Muslim-born, Ahmad El Achwal was a convert to Christianity. His home was an informal Christian centre, where he handed out Christian literature and informed others in his community about his new-found faith. Ahmad El Achwal was introduced to Christianity by a fellow prisoner in Central Nablus prison. He had been accused by the PA of dealing in stolen gold, charges for which he was later tried and acquitted. Once word of his conversion to Christianity spread, he was repeatedly harassed and abused. PA 'security' forces searched his home, confiscated his Christian Bibles and other religious books, interrogated him for days and arrested him for long periods, promising an end to his suffering and even a job within the PA if he would return to Islam. Ahmad El Achwal was repeatedly beaten. His life and the life of his family were threatened. His car and home were fire-bombed by men affiliated with PA security forces. The landlord of the fast-food shop he rented refused to renew his rental agreement, forcing him out of business. Eventually he paid with his life for the simple desire to live according to his conscience.

Christian evangelism and Muslims becoming Christians are intolerable

affronts to the norms and traditions in PA-controlled areas. Though the PA publicly proclaims protection of religious freedom, Islamic law (Shari'a) has been adopted into the PA Constitution and is the primary legal source governing everyone under PA rule, regardless of their religious beliefs. The Shari'a considers conversion from Islam can be punishable by death, which may explain why Ahmad El Achwal's murderers were never found, never brought to justice, never sought by the local authorities.

On Saturday evening, September 2, 2005, more than five hundred Muslim men from nearby villages, chanting 'Allahu Akbar' (Allah is Great), invaded the Christian village of Taybeh, rampaged all night, and torched 16 houses and numerous cars. Several other houses were looted of jewellery, furniture, and appliances. Many families were forced to flee. The attack on the village was triggered by the accusation that a Christian man from Taybeh had the temerity to date a Muslim woman from a nearby village. While the attack is one of the worst against Christians in the West Bank in many years, such attacks are by no means 'occasional'.

Terrorism and the security barrier.

When Arafat signed Oslo Accords Palestinians were required to cease

incitement to Israel's destruction and to shut down terror organisations. Under Arafat's rule the Palestinian Authority broadcast continual incitement against Israel with calls for the destruction of Israel coming from the mosques and the educational system. The glorification of terrorism was part of the way of life. We have clips from PA and Arab TV stations showing children as young as 5 being indoctrinated with incitement to terrorism

against Israel.

On August 19, Palestinian Clerics Association Deputy Director Sheikh

Muhammad Ali was interviewed by Hizbullah's Al-Manar TV. In the interview, he discussed Jihad as the duty of all Muslims, and the coming conquest of all of Palestine through Jihad, not negotiation. Here are extracts of what he said (Information from Memri).

'Regarding any land, any piece of land, which at a certain point belonged to the Muslims - it is the duty of all Muslims to do what they can to liberate this land, wherever it may be. True, many precious Muslim lands are under occupation today. They have been forgotten, and Andalusia (Spain and Portugal) is one example. Nevertheless, it is the duty of the Muslims to liberate them. But since we are discussing Palestine, Gaza, and so on, let us focus on this precious piece of Muslim land, especially since Jerusalem

and the Al-Aqsa Mosque belong to all Muslims, and have become a part of the Muslim faith.

'Allah willing, we will enter [Palestine] as conquerors and liberators, not through negotiations, but through Jihad and resistance, because the hadith goes: 'And the Muslims would kill the Jews' - there is killing involved. This divine prophecy, which appears in the hadith and in the Koran, denies the legitimacy of normalization or any agreement, because it is only a matter of time, and the Muslims will eventually liberate Jerusalem and

regain Palestine.'

As this terrorism has been translated into action over and over again with suicide attacks on Israeli civilians in cafes, buses, and public places, clearly Israel had to do something to prevent this. In denouncing the wall (which for the most part is a fence) Bishop Riah said nothing about terrorism as a cause of its construction. The ending of terrorism and incitement is actually the basic necessity for peace in the area and the main people with influence to do this are Muslim clerics. The west and the churches should also unite to tell the Islamic world in no uncertain terms that as long as the terrorist issue is not addressed there is no way forward for any peace process.

Israel's security fence is the product of Arab terrorism. Before September 2000 Israelis were crossing into the West Bank and even Gaza to buy and sell, Palestinians were travelling into Israel to work. Terrorism has changed all that. Unless the churches address that issue all its statements are empty platitudes.

Regarding settlements I would agree that there are wrongs done to the

Palestinian Arab population in relation to taking land and demolishing houses. However in principle as Arabs live amongst Jews within the pre 1967 borders of Israel, so it should be possible for Jews to live among Arabs in predominantly Arab areas as well. In fact the Gaza settlement of Gush Katif which has now been dismantled provided employment for about 5000 Palestinians in its agricultural development. Now that the Jewish settlers have gone the greenhouses and the agriculture of the region are being trashed and the employment opportunities provided by the settlement for

Palestinians are gone.

While it is true that the Palestinians suffer very high levels of

unemployment, it is not true to lay all the blame for that on Israel.

Before Arafat took over the PA in 1993 levels of employment and standard of living for Palestinians were much better as they were able to work in Israel, benefit from tourism and trade with Israel without the restrictions brought about as a result of terrorism. Terrorism and political strikes destroyed many Palestinian job opportunities. If an employer is faced with a choice of people working with him who are not going to turn up for work because a strike has been called and those who will work, he will obviously

choose those who will work. In addition there is the scandal of the vast sums of money which have been donated to the PA by the EU, America and UN which have disappeared without benefiting the people for whom the money was given.


Opposing Israel has become the popular cause of the left which unites with Islam in denouncing Israel, America and Bible believing Christians. The church is dividing between those who support Israel and those who denounce it. Rational discussion of the issues involved is often very difficult with accusations of anti-Semitism being made on one hand and of supporting an Apartheid racist state on the other hand. It would be good to have the opportunity to have further discussions on these issues.

Tax debt help where to find it

Are you in debt? Is the Internal Revenue Service breathing down your neck and threatening your livelihood? Do not be overwhelmed by tax debt as there are ways for you to solve your tax debt problems and keep the tax collector far away. Read on for some helpful advice.

A Little Bit of Equity. If you own your home, you could have a significant amount of equity in it, especially if you have lived in it for more than five years. Through your bank or similar lending institution you can apply for an equity line of credit or equity loan. Just with this amount of borrowed money, you may be able to obtain enough funds to cover your tax debt and penalties. Current rates are still low – shop the internet for the plan that is right for you.

Sell Some Valuables. Your antique desk or chair, stamp collection, jewelry, or even an extra car may have considerable cash value to it. Turn what you own into cash; get on eBay to post your item[s] and to obtain multiple bids on what you are attempting to sell.

Friends and Family Plan. Swallow your pride and ask trusted family members and friends for help. To keep everyone happy, only accept money if a contract outlining explicit repayments terms is used. Check the internet for sample forms.

Get in Touch with the I. R.S. Talk about making a deal with the devil! Seriously, if you owe the Internal Revenue Service money and you cannot pay them back, contact them directly to arrange a repayment plan that works for you. No, they won’t forgive your tax debt, but they can spread out repayment over an acceptable timeframe. Just remember this: any unpaid balance will incur interest charges and further late payments by you will likely involve additional penalties. Read all the “legalese” before signing anything!

Finding tax debt help is the first step in tackling your problem. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away and may worsen an already bad situation.

Once you have a plan in place, contact your county’s consumer affairs division for free debt counseling. Chances are your tax debt problem is only the tip of the iceberg and further help will be necessary to educated you on how to avoid future mistakes.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

How to get the best car insurance company

Obviously, everyone wants a car insurance company that offers them the best coverage at the best rates; however, there are more things to consider when you are shopping for the best car insurance company. You want to choose a car insurance company that isn’t just out to lure policyholders – you want an insurance company that will treat you right.

Keep these factors in mind.

Rates, Payments, and Rewards

You want to choose a car insurance company that offers different payment options, rather than just one option of payment set in stone. Many car insurance companies allow their policyholders to choose between paying in installments – usually monthly or quarterly – or paying the entire premium at once. Some companies even offer discounts to policyholders who choose to pay their premiums in one lump sum.

Ask if the insurance company recognizes drivers who do not drive much; some companies lower rates for that. Some also offer discount rewards for those driver who go long periods of time without filing any claims.

Discounts, Discounts, Discounts!

Look for companies offering a multitude of discounts. You may not be eligible for every one of them, but the more they offer, the higher your chances are of being eligible for a few of them. A few discounts that may be of interest to you include discounts for safe drivers and teenage drivers who make good grades; discounts for active or retired military personnel; discounts for buying more than one insurance policy from the same insurance company; and discounts for having anti-theft and additional safety equipment installed in/on your car.


Car insurance companies offer various extras that policyholders can add on to their car insurance policies. An example of an extra would be roadside assistance. While some companies offer roadside assistance as a standard extra, some offer it as an add-on. These add-ons are nice, but if you’re not careful they could simply hike up your premiums.

Iphone complains problems no more problem with iphone-singapore

Singapore - With every new firmware updates for the iPhone coming out faster and faster, third party application programmers have to keep updating and patching their programs. Bugs and problems continue to plague the iPhone users with different firmware updates for unlocked iPhones and it sometimes give a bad impression to the high expectations of the iPhone. Worse is that users didn’t know that they do not have to put up with such iPhone bugs and problems. They are stuck with such iPhone bugs and problems because the iPhone sellers simply don’t care. Some users are stuck with damaged and spoilt iPhones, feeling they have bought an iPhone bargain but in the end, because they can’t use the phones, turn out to be a sour lemon instead.

A check on the Internet revealed some of the many frustrating iPhone users due to the iPhone bugs and problems. Despite some iPhone sellers selling their unlocked iPhones at a cheaper price, but with so many problems and complains and half working iPhones, the users are just not getting any value out of their iPhones. Many of the iPhone sellers simply don’t care anything else, they made sweet promises but just don’t deliver.

However, a Singaporean company, iPhone-Singapore. com, have been highly recommended by the iPhone buyers because of their technical knowledge of the iPhones and the after sales service rendered to the customers. In a couple of cases, iPhone-Singapore has swapped hardware damaged iPhones for brand new sets to the customers because of their warranty coverage. It’s a case by case basis. Such exchange would definitely not be possible when purchasing the iPhones from other sellers. In the case of Mr Kevin Omre from Bahrain, iPhone-Singapore even compensated him for the shipping cost to get his iPhone repaired. Customers from iPhone-Singapore are also provided monthly free iPhone programs and free upgrades with every new iPhone firmware released by Apple so that they will not be stuck with the older firmware version.

These days, the fanatics from iPhone-Singapore. com is busy with building live support chatrooms, forums, and possibly video conferencing to increase their support and servicing efficiency especially for overseas customers. All these additional stuff are built on top of their monthly newsletters with free iPhone programs and free iPhone updates to their customers.

While it is not known when the iPhone will arrive in Singapore officially, but iPhone-Singapore. com has already built a small community of proud and quality iPhone owners. We just could not find a bigger iPhone fan than those of iPhone-Singapore. com.


Source: iPhone-Singapore. com/

Tips for successful web developing

If you have ever built your own web site, you are probably familiar with the hard work and constant attentiveness need for it to be frequently found and highly perused. Since you are one of many who has decided to market your products and services on the Internet, or just simply to share your interests with others, you need to build a site that will make a good impression and stand out; something that will make people come back time after time. That is why developing a successful web site is crucial to your continued Internet existence.

You get out what you put in, so the harder you work at building a web site that will be noticed and visited, the more you will benefit from it in the future. If you are a part of Ecommerce, you probably make necessary changes and/or updates to your site quite frequently, so as to improve your customer satisfaction and promote new products and services. Below are a few web developing tips that will help you when building a successful web site.

List your basic site requirements. Jot down a few ideas of what you think your site should include, and how you want to present them. By doing this, you are establishing an origin on which to build and later improve your site.

Identify the content you want to use on your site and gather it into documents. Doing this will make it easier for you to organize the information when it comes time to make content and layout decisions. It will also help you decide how to prioritize it. It will also help you plan how many pages you will need and give structure to your site.

Design your site so that it integrates with your off-line business. Since most companies began as local establishments, they will have a central location for doing business. If this is the case for you, make sure what you offer online is consistent with what you already offer off-line. Since your web site is an extension of your already established operation, it should reflect your company values, quality, and other important attributes that have made it successful.

Make sure your site is easy to navigate. If people are confused when trying to find information, they are likely to go elsewhere to conduct their online business. If your site is easy to navigate and read, they are more likely to remain returning customers, and can help bring other business to you.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Travel to germany

Germany continues to gain popularity worldwide as a tourist destination for vacationers around the world. Germany’s unique culture, friendly people, and distinctive destinations are just a few of the distinctions that have made this beautiful country one of the hottest tourist vacation spots since 2000. Each year, the number of overnight visitors grows. In fact, Germany attracted over 2.2 million visitors from the United States alone within the first six months of 2006!

Travel to and from Germany with ease and in style can be a relaxing and pleasant experience in and of itself. Depending on where the visitor is coming from, Germany can be reached by boat, airline, automobile, or train. With all of these options available, there is a safe, convenient, and affordable option accessible for travel to Germany for every one!

Air Travel to Germany

Air travel affords the world traveler speed and convenience. Germany can be reached as an air destination from major airlines located across the globe. The most accessible German cities by air include Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt. Germany’s own airline Lufthansa accesses over 75 countries, reaching more than 175 cities. No matter what continent the German tourist is located on, there is a flight headed to Germany nearby.

For the budget-minded traveler, there are a variety of no-frills air fare packages available. Some of the airlines to consider when flying affordably are Air Berlin, Ryanair, Germanwings, and Easyjet. For the most recent and up-to-date deals on airfare to Germany near you, contact your local favorite airline.

Travel to Germany on an Ocean Liner

For the traveler that isn’t in as much of hurry, or wants to combine their German vacation with another unique and memorable experience, visiting Germany by way of a cruise can be the perfect choice for relaxation and fun. The benefits of a cruise to Germany include avoiding the hustle and bustle that can be associated with flying and another option to reaching Germany from an overseas destination than via a plane.

Rates vary substantially with packages, but cruise lines typically offer great deals on packages and for the traveler that is available on a flexible schedule. In fact, some cruise lines can offer rates that come out to be pennies on the dollar when compared to premium air line rates!

Popular cruise lines that port in Germany are Norwegian Cruise Lines and Sea Cloud cruises.

Visit Germany by Train

European transportation is world famous for its efficiency, speed, and affordability. So for the budget-minded traveler, catching a train to Germany is an option that the traveler can’t afford not to look into!

But don’t discount the amenities available aboard trains! Packages offered by German rail travel can vary from the no-frills to the extravagant. There is truly something available for everyone.

Trains allow tourists visiting Germany to relax and enjoy the countryside without the added stress that can come with airline travel. Meeting new people and sharing the experience is a traditional aspect of vacationing in Europe and traveling by train affords the vacationer a unique opportunity to have the option of mingling with their fellow passengers if they want or to ride in privacy if they wish – something no long flights in a plane can present.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

How to buy a holiday home abroad

The thought of owning a second home in the sun or a ski lodge or mountain retreat where we can escape whenever the mood takes us is of course a commonly held dream.

And with the simplification of re-mortgaging facilities, the affordability of home loans and the growth in underlying equity many of us have enjoyed on our principal residences, there couldn’t be a better time to turn that dream into a reality than today.

Here’s how to buy a holiday home abroad and avoid all the common traps and pitfalls that people can fall foul of.

First things first you need to decide whether it make sense for you to release the equity that has built up in your principal residence to buy a property overseas, to raise a mortgage on the overseas property or to pay for it in cash.

Unfortunately there is no straight answer to this dilemma! The answer will lie somewhere among your own personal circumstances, your ability to afford an extension on your home loan or an overseas mortgage, the country in which you’re buying abroad and whether or not it offers good investment potential. However, there are two simple facts that the majority of financial advisers and mortgage lenders agree upon and these may help you make your decision: –

1) taking the money that has built up in equity on one property and using it to buy another property is probably the most sensible thing to do when releasing equity

2) over the medium to long term real estate as an equity class is one of the most consistent returning investment mechanisms.

The next issue relates to which country you should buy your holiday home in. You may have a very positive idea of which country you would most like to spend your holiday time in – if you have a country in mind it’s probably a country you know well and have had enjoyable times in before.

If on the other hand you’re unsure and are looking abroad for a holiday home as an investment property in an emerging market or a market with strong room for growth, you should draw yourself a shortlist based upon what you’re looking for in a holiday home – i. e., if you want a European beach house with 300 days sunshine a year you’re more likely to look at the Mediterranean region rather than the Ukraine or the UK!

Whichever country you’re considering, do research into the laws relating to foreign freehold ownership of real estate in that country and on the projected prospects for the property sector over the medium term – all this sort of information is available on the internet.

Once you have a country in mind you need to set yourself a realistic budget – realistic in that it is an amount you can afford and also that it is an amount that will buy you a quality property abroad. Going back to the Mediterranean region in Europe for a moment, those with a large budget could acquire a decent property on the Spanish coast, those with a small budget could only acquire substandard or renovation property on the Spanish coast but could purchase something far more substantial in the interior of Spain. Think about the amount you can afford and then look at the country you’re interested in – where will you get the most for your money?

Always employ independent legal representation to assist you in any transactions you enter into abroad. You may not fully understand the language or legal system of the country you’re buying your holiday home in so you need a lawyer who does! Furthermore you need a lawyer who is working solely for you and not representing your interests together with those of the vendor or property constructor as well!

Get any contracts or papers you sign officially translated into English before signing, have any promises made or deals verbally brokered written into the contract, make a will that includes your new property purchase and don’t rush into a decision because pressure is being put upon you or because your time abroad to organise everything is short. The world will not run out of holiday homes for sale in our lifetime. If you keep your wits about you and remember the golden rule – i. e., if something seems too good to be true it probably is – you’ll be just fine!

Monday, October 24, 2016

7 quick and easy steps on how you can use self-hypnosis to cure your anxieties

Has any of this happened to you?

- Your boss ends your Monday with a stack of papers and instructions that you must submit this report in the next 48 hours or else...

- Your significant other doesn't answer your calls when you need to get a hold of them the most

- Your mother sends you Guilt-Tripping messages that you don't come and visit enough

- Your landlord Completely ignores you when you tell her that part of the ceiling is leaking in your apartment

- Your credit card bill is getting HUGE and is taking over in your dreams

At this point your probably starting to feel a throbbing pain in your temples like your head is about to explode.

EASY does it.

You certainly don't want that to happen now do you?

Sit down and take a deep breath, close your eyes, relax and unravel your inner thoughts.

Sometimes, when taking control over a chaotic life, a stressful situation, a physical ailment or an emotional dilemma, it will usually start within you - your mind, and specifically, your "Subconscious".

Communicating with your subconscious doesn't have to be seen as being difficult.

Negotiating with your own self(Yes, I know it sounds kind of crazy, but hear me out) can be 'achieved' through a form of mind control called "Self-Hypnosis".

Some of you reading this article right now may of heard of this practice and know How To do it, but for those of you who don't here's a sample of this basic procedure in 7 easy to follow steps.

Step #1. Find a venue conducive for relaxation.

Find a quite room, with a comfortable temperature and set the lights just right (not too dim, not too bright).

Then... light a candle and incense if you desire.

Step #2. Surround yourself with sound pleasant to your ears.

Play some relaxing music. Bring in a portable fountain. Hang some chimes where the breeze blows.


Because the sound of music is soothing.

Step #3. Find a comfortable position.

Surround yourself with the things that make you feel the most comfortable. For example, your pillows, blankets, your favorite pair if joggers, whatever you like.

A caring, healing sensation always eases stress.

Step #4. Tell yourself this.

I am light, I am comfortable, I am at ease with myself.

All my tensions, worries and anxieties are gone.

I am light, I am comfortable, I am at ease with myself.

(Repeat many times while breathing deeply and with your eyes closed.)

Step #5. Picture what you want your life to be.

Visualize every detail, every situation that you want to happen.

Imagine it So... as if it is really happening at this moment.

Step #6. Repeat step #4.

Breathe in, breathe out. Now... imagine yourself being surrounded by a bright, luminous light starting from your forehead until it fills the whole room.

Step #7. Wake Up!

Simply wake up when you're ready and feel refreshed.

Repeat this procedure regularly as needed.

This exercise simply helps you clear your thoughts.

It may also lead you to Self-Revelations that will help you assess the situation on How you want to live your dreams.

It may or may not work, your goal may or may not be achieved - the universe has reasons humans may not fathom.

The important thing here is this: "Self-Hypnosis" will help you become a better, calmer person that's More attuned to themselves, and more willing to help others.

With ALL your tensions and worries away, who knows what you may accomplish in the coming Days, Weeks, Months and Years that lie ahead.

Balance transfer credit card benefits of competition

The balance transfer credit card is one of the starkest examples of how competition benefits the end consumer. Consumers with good credit and high credit card usage can use balance transfer credit card to save dollars from a few hundred to much more depending on their credit card usage and the amount of balance transfer.

In simple terms, if you have good credit, companies are looking to provide the offer, even if they do so at a lower rate of interest. You benefit from low interest and they acquire a valuable customer. So, a balance transfer credit card enables you to transfer your existing balance or even debt to a credit card with low or no interest.

Credit Card Balance Transfers Math

A look at the math of a credit card balance transfer will make the situation clearer. For instance, suppose you apply for balance transfer credit card from a reputed online vendor. Now, your interest on credit card debt runs up to, say $1450 dollars a year at an average with your credit card that has an APR of 10.99% assuming you have a good credit rating. Now the competing credit card company offers you a credit card with a 0% introductory APR for the first 12 months. By making a simple balance transfer to your new credit card, you save on one year’s credit card interest. Now that is math that one can live with!

Shopping Guide To Balance Transfer Credit Cards

Initially consider the size of the balance transfers to be made, and correspondingly the amount of financial gain that follows. The period of 0% APR is important, how much credit do you expect to use, and correspondingly how much interest will you save from credit card balance transfers during the offer.

Do the balance transfers incur a transaction fee and if so how much? Consider how long the introductory APR lasts and the APR after that in your calculations. And, as always, be sure to read the fine print. You don’t want to encounter unexpected costs. The best offer sometimes is not the one with the lowest rate of interest.

Balance Transfer Trivia

The best type of balance transfer credit cards are the ones with a 0% rate of interest. Many companies have begun offering such cards, at an incredible introductory period of up to one year. It is possible to transfer your debt to a credit card with a 0% APR, and then retransfer it to another one at the end of the introductory APR period on the existing card. However this is not a recommended action as it can result in a lower credit rating for you. Credit card balance transfers can be done online; most companies offer this system of balance transfer.

Credit Card Balance Transfers In A Nutshell

Substantial savings can result if you get you balance transfer credit card arithmetic right. Before applying for one look, be sure to look at the fine print. Good financial sense with credit card balance transfers can make for good finances. If you have spent substantially utilizing "plastic" money, a balance transfer credit card just might make good financial sense for you.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

How to choose the right flooring for your house

Everyone dreams of living in a beautiful house. Once you have the house, you're often bewildered with different decorating ideas. It's a good idea to start at the basics. Good flooring forms the foundation of any decorating theme. So it's vital to get the flooring right. One aspect is selecting the right materials.

The various rooms in your house may need a different kind of flooring. You have to pick the flooring depending on the use for the room, your lifestyle and your finances. Before you get floored by the number of choices available in the market, it's a good idea to know what you’re looking for:

Your location

The location of your house is an important ingredient in your purchase decision. Do you live in a warm or cold climate? Do you have flooding or fires near your area? Studying these factors will help you make the right decision. Here's an example. Knowing that your house is situated in a moist area will give you a wide choice of flooring to choose from. You should probably pick material that will not rot away like stone, granite or marble. However, if you live in colder climes, then you can use a carpet or plain linoleum for the kitchen.

Your tastes

Your house should reflect your style and tastes. Do you like contemporary designs or a more traditional look? If your budget allows it, a hardwood flooring goes with almost any interior decorating idea. Bamboo floors or laminated floors are a cheaper option. You’ll find it easy to clean a laminated floor as a good wipe will take care of it. You don’t have to use oil or excessively scrub it.

Check the foundation

You need to check the foundation of the house before you buy the flooring. You will want your flooring to remain firm and stable and not cracked or chipped. Firstly, fix the foundation of any defects. Only then will the new flooring look good. If there is going to be quite a lot of family traffic you will want to ensure that it is resistant to wear and tear.

Garage flooring

This is one room in your house that is most neglected. The right flooring can change this room completely. If your concrete flooring is unprotected, you will end up doing repairs pretty often as it will crack. Moisture can be disastrous for your garage flooring. Well laid out flooring can be a pleasure to look at. Further, you will want your garage to be safe and clean.

Your budget

It's always best to stay within your budget but look for quality material. If you’re looking for a good discount go to a materials wholesaler. They usually sell in bulk so you get to save in the bargain. Remember, don't count the pennies as compromising on quality can cost you later when you need to spend on repairs. Do you homework prior to going to a hardware store as you need to know what you’re looking for.

You can take your pick amongst various materials for your flooring. Let's take a look at some popular flooring options:

a. Hardwood floors - These are ideal for most homes but these floors are sensitive to climatic conditions. Wood tends to contract and expand depending upon the weather. They are also prone to water damage and require maintenance.

b. Marmoleum - This is made from material that is organic. As an environmentally friendly option this is easy to take care of. Not only is it durable but it is warm and comfortable to walk on.

c. Bamboo flooring - This is one of the most durable in the market today. It looks good and comes in different designs. Your rooms will look elegant and beautiful. Bamboo flooring can be dyed to look like wood. This is environmentally friendly and is commonly found in nature.

d. Rubber flooring - If you are into sports or if you have a toddler at home who is just learning to walk, then rubber flooring is ideal for you. This reduces the pressure on your heels and knees. You will not get hurt if you fall on rubber flooring. Interlocking rubber tiles are easy to assemble on the floor.

Picking the right flooring is very important. You can use different kinds of flooring for different rooms. For example a children's room can have a rubber floor while you can pick wood for the main living room. By customizing the flooring, you get the right fit. Any room requires a good floor to act as a foundation to the rest of the decor. So keep your interior design in mind, while selecting the right flooring. The design should not clash with the floor. Keep your house beautiful and elegant and most importantly let it reflect your unique style and personality.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Shakira la diva latina

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll naciу en 1977 en Colombia y desde los aсos 1990 en Latinoamйrica, y desde los 2000 en los Estados Unidos se ha convertido en una gran figura de la mъsica latina con estilo oriental que la destaca entre los demбs artistas.

Ella es una exitosa cantante, escritora, instrumentalista, productora de discos y bailarina la cual ha logrado atraer los oнdos y corazones de la millones de jуvenes y no tan jуvenes que disfrutan de su mъsica original, creativa y rebelde.

Sus lнricos son originales ya que escribe poesнas inusuales en las cuales incluye frases como:"Tu mordiste la manzana y renunciaste al paraнso, y condenaste a una serpiente, siendo tu el que asн lo quiso."

Logra producir rimas de una forma ъnica que solo ella conoce y a su vez en sus versiones en ingles que comenzу en el 2001, logro adaptar su propio estilo sin problema de idioma.

Su primer disco en ingles se llama "Laundry Service" (Servicio de Lavanderia) convirtiйndose en un hit impresionante con el cual gano la mayorнa de sus 10 Grammys ganados hasta ahora. Las canciones mas conocidas de aquel disco don "Underneath Your Clothes" (debajo de tu ropa) y "Whenever, Wherever" (Suerte) fueron los mas populares. Su mъsica incluye tiene un estilo de Pop con Oriental, Tango, Latino y otros nuevos ritmos originales.

Fijaciуn Oral Vol 1 and 2, fue su siguiente бlbum que saco con Alejandro Sanz la canciуn "Tortura", con Wyclef Jean "Hips don't Lie" y luego con Vellones "Beautiful Lie" otro gran йxito.

Shakira tiene un origen descendiente catalбn-Italiano mezclado con catуlico Libanйs, la cual la caracteriza por tener un estilo oriental, latino que ha logrado obtener a lo largo de su popularidad que la diferencia de cualquier otro artista.

Shakira escribiу su primer poema llamado "La Rosa de Cristal" a los cuatro aсos y siguiу escribiendo poemas que luego se convirtieron en canciones. A la edad de 8 cuando su hermano fue matado en un accidente de motocicleta Shakira escribiу su primera canciуn llamada "Tus Gafas Oscuras".

Su personalidad por su puesto es expresada en sus lнricos y poemas, asн es como tambiйn polнticamente mantiene opiniones bastante polйmicas como comentarios "anti-israelнes" salidos en alguna entrevista en la radio resaltando su origen libanйs frente al conflicto en medio oriente.

Tu actual novio, futuro marido es Antonio de La Rua, hijo del previo Presidente de la Republica Argentina, quien no es exactamente querido por la poblaciуn Argentina. A pesar de sus decisiones personales, su йxito como cantante y bailarina sigue siendo un hit y aplaudido por Sudamйrica, Estados Unidos, Espaсa y demбs paнses.

Su estilo puede ser comparado al de Alanis Morisette, pero con una sensualidad y habilidad de bailar Belly Dance, que la destaca de las demбs cantantes. Lo que la ha ayudado a despegar en el mundo Internacional fue cuando saco su disco MTV Unplugged, "Donde Estбn los Ladrones" en 1999 el cual llego a las casas de millones de jуvenes en Estados Unidos e Europa.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Sing me a love song on this valentine s day

What makes a great love song? The truth is, a songwriter didn’t compose a great love song, a singer didn’t sing a great love song, but the ones who listen to it make it great, especially when two twine together as one – a romance. We, therefore, are the ones who pick it one in “Top 10 love songs” or “Best love songs ever.”

Even my ex-boyfriend and I used to have that as our song - “Lover, I don’t have to love” by Bright Eyes. It seemed foolish because its song title, lyrics, and even melody are bittersweet and melancholy. We didn’t understand why we were listening to this song over and over, maybe just because we both found it a remarkable rhythm at that time. However, love don’t live here anymore. Now I have to forget the sad tune, find myself a new squeeze who sings me a new “our song.”

Ah, Valentine’s Day! Every February 14, and during the weeks leading to this day, couples send beautiful flowers, meaningful cards, and sweet chocolates to their darlings and explore their romantic sides. And a perfect dreamy night with serene melodies is the norm. So, sing me a love song and be my Valentine! When your sweetheart comes to say this to you, what song will you choose? There’s no better time than Valentine’s Day to turn our musical choices passionate.

Recently, I’ve heard some wonderful love tracks. So, narrowing down my list to just 10 “best of” tunes took a lot of thought. If you don’t find your favorites here, send me an email at kittykitcoldplay@yahoo. com. Now, cool off and sit awhile with me, and read some exciting stuffs about my picks of 10 romantic songs for Valentine’s Day:

1) You And Me (Lifehouse)

It makes my heart melt. There is a sense of peacefulness every time I hear this song. Such a melodious and gifted voice! All in all this is a true gem.

2) The Other Side of the World (KT Tunstall)

This nice radiopop is well crafted and remarkable. What I mean is that I keep remembering this song because I like the way she sings and phrases. A sparkling new singer-songwriter.

3) The Scientist (Coldplay)

The song is beautifully crafted and the unprocessed passion in Martin's voice is almost heartbreaking. The best love song yet! An incredibly moving song!

4) You’re Beautiful (James Blunt)

Just beautiful tune! This piece means so much to me and although I’ve heard it many times I still enjoy listening even now. A unique voice that really stands out.

5) Smooth (Santana featuring Rob Thomas)

This has a nice Santana feel. This smooth song rocks. This awesome Latin song is just sensual and also great to dance with.

6) Wherever You Will Go (The Calling)

If I could make you mine, I’ll go wherever you will go. Thumbs up for the melody.

7) If I Thought You’d Ever Change Your Mind (Agnetha Faltskog)

“And in the winter snow, my songs would keep you from the cold.” The lyrics are soooooooo nice and so is the voice of ABBA. It’s totally enjoyable to hear her crystal clear pure sound once again.

8) Crazy In Love (Eminem)

Love the title and love the song! And oh, the lyrics! Slim Shady finally created a non-classic-rap. It sounds like a poem “You are the meaning of my existence, ”You're essential to me, You're the air I breathe, I believe if you ever leave me, I'd probably have no reason to be.”

9) The Look Of Love (Diana Krall)

The look of love sees the invisible in the visible and the sound of love is smooth. A gorgeous love song. A cuddle by the fireside with the one you love.

10) When You Tell Me That You Love Me (Westlife featuring Diana Ross)

Westlife is back to raise you up with a new cover of a famous song. Moreover, this song is a nice comeback to the pop ballads that made them well known. Just tell your honey that you adore her or him with this cute tune.

Why don’t you make your own love song CD with “our song” as a special gift for your significant other on this special occasion? You might want to visit another collection of Top love songs at audio4fun. com/lovesongcd. htm. They are offering full-length downloads of all tracks in the CD.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Keeping sexual relationships healthy and safe

Getting involved in relationships with the opposite sex is part of growing up. Teenage girls and boys tend to think about what it means to be involved in a sexual relationship. There are many things to be taken into consideration before one should decide to have sex. There is the issue of morality which can make one feel guilty about premarital sex. Such guilt can play a major role in affecting one's emotional and psychological well-being, which usually leads to anxiety and depression. Health concerns are also on top of the agenda whenever a person decides to engage in a serious, intimate relationship. Sexual health is an important matter to think about since it is no longer safe to engage in unprotected sex. One must be aware that sexual relationships can expose people to the risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STD). No one can tell if a person is infected with STD. Even healthy-looking people can have the disease without them knowing it. Be sure that you and your partner are protected before engaging in any sexual activity. Unwanted pregnancy is also another consequence of sexual relationships which young people should think about. Many young people's future have been ruined by getting pregnant even when they are not yet emotionally and psychologically ready for the responsibility that teenage pregnancy entails. Even if you don't get pregnant or infected by STD, consider how you will feel if the relationship breaks up.

Many young people are not comfortable talking to their parents about this situation. It is important that you have a trusted adult or health care provider with whom you can discuss all your concerns and worries. Times like these can be very confusing for most young people and having someone to talk to would do wonders to gain more clarity and objective advice about sexuality.

Young people who make the decision to engage in any sexual activity should learn how to protect themselves aginst STD and prevent unwanted pregnancy. For contraception, there are various products out in the market that are effective in preventing pregnancy. Costs, methods of use, and level of protection against STD vary depending on the contraceptive.

There are two popular types of contraception, namely: the use of birth control pills and the condom. Both contraceptives can protect against pregnancy and STD. Males use some types of contraception that are usually different from what females normally use. It is good to know all about the different types of female and male contraceptions if you are into a sexual relationship. Together, the involved partners should figure out the best choice for the two of them. The type of contraception can have an effect on the health of both people in the relationship. Only females can get pregnant, but both males and females can get STD. Sexual intercourse always increase the risk for unwanted pregnancy and STD. Practicing safe sex with only one partner who is uninfected and has no other sexual partners can greatly lower such risk.

Birth control pills are small contraceptive tablets that usually contain two types of synthetic female hormones, the progestin and estrogen. This is called the "combination oral contraceptive". Estrogen and progesterone are produced by the ovaries. These hormones prevent pregnancy by suppressing the pituitary gland, which stops the development and the release of the egg in the ovary, called ovulation. The progestin hormone also helps to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg and changes the lining of the uterus. Birth control pills contain only one hormone called progestin and considered to be the "mini-Pill." This type of contraceptive works by suppressing ovulation and helping to prevent the male's sperm from reaching the egg.

The combination pill is slightly more effective than the progestin-only pill. But there are some people whose bodies don't react well to the estrogen in the combined pill. It is better that they take the progestin-only pill to avoid any complications from side effects. The birth control pill is highly effective if you take the pill exactly as directed by your health care provider. The pill is to be taken once a day, at the same time everyday. Be sure to have back-up contraception such as condoms during the remainder of the pill cycle when diarrhea or vomiting occur, or when you are taking some other medication that could change the effectiveness of the birth control pills.

Aside from preventing unwanted pregnancy, birth control pills have other medical benefits, such as easing menstrual cramps, regulating the menstrual cycle, reducing the amount and length of menstrual bleeding.

Having a sexual relationship entails great responsibility, not only to yourself, but to your partner as well. Always remember to engage in safe sex.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

What is self-confidence

Easy to identify, yet probably difficult to define, conceptualize, and measure what does self-confidence mean?

One of the main requirements to success, happiness and reaching your goals is confidence. Having enormous self-confidence will also be useful in just about every part of your life.

Lets get straight to the point you were not born with self-confidence, that is, self-confidence is not something innate this can be taught, nurtured and built over the years, at any stage in life.

Confidence is the personal ownership of no one; the person who has it learns it and goes on learning.

Your degree of confidence is truly the outcome of how you perceive yourself - which is eventually how people will perceive you. How people interrelate and respond to you is a reflection of how you perceive yourself.

Therefore if you dont have a high degree of self-confidence or a huge deal of self-esteem then its mostly because you are concentrating on your negative traits and on what you are doing wrong.

In other words, you are being your own worst enemy! The good thing is that you can alter this and improve your self-confidence.

The most talented person on earth has to build confidence in his talents from the foundation of faith and knowledge, like anybody else. The device will be different from one person to the other, but the necessary job is similar. Confidence and attitude are accessible to all of us according to our skills and requirements not somebody elses as long as we make use of our talents and develop them.

Self-confidence is an approach which lets individuals have positive yet reasonable viewpoints of themselves and their conditions.

Self-confident people trust their own skills and abilities, have a general sense of influence in their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they desire, plan, and anticipate.

Having self-confidence does not necessarily mean that people will be able to do everything.

Self-confident people do have expectations and standards that are realistic and reasonable. Even if some of their standards are not met, they remain to be positive and to accept themselves.

People who are not self-confident rely extremely on the consent of other people in order to feel good about themselves. They have a tendency to prevent taking risks because they are afraid to fail. They usually do not expect themselves to succeed.

They often place themselves down and tend to disregard or overlook remarks and praises paid to them.

On the other hand, self-confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they normally believe in their own skills and abilities. They tend to accept themselves; they don't feel they have to conform in order for them to be accepted.

Self-confidence is not essentially a general trait or characteristic which permeates all aspects of a persons life. Usually, people will have some aspects of their lives where they think they are quite confident, for instance, academics and sports, while at the same time they do not feel confident at all in other fields, for example, personal appearance, social relationships, among others.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The best chilli recipe

Those who like to cook chilli always want to discover that one chilli recipe that will have their family and friends talking about for ages and maybe even impress a few chilli contest judges.

Below is one of the best chilli recipe for you to try and I think you everyone who is involved will be well impressed


• 4-5 lbs. ground beef of your choice

• ј cup of olive oil if needed to brown meat

• 64 ozs. V8 Juice for 4-5 lbs.

• 1 onion for each pound of meat

• 1/4 cup of brown sugar or honey

• 1 bell pepper for each lb. of meat

• 2-3 cloves garlic for each lb. of meat

• 3 jalapenos or 1 habanera

• 2 tablespoons cumin

• Ѕ cup finely chopped parsley or cilantro

• 2 tablespoons of chilli powder (your favourite)

• 1 teaspoon of celery seed

• 1 bay leaf for each pound of meat

• 1 - 16 oz. can dark kidney beans for each lb. of meat

• salt and pepper to taste

• 10 mushrooms per pound of meat

• 1 tablespoon of the SECRET INGREDIENT

Ground beef or ground round should be at least 80% lean. Brown ground beef with olive oil.

Salt and Pepper to taste throughout the recipe.

After meat is browned, add onions, bell peppers, bay leaves and garlic.

Add secret ingredient.

Add chopped mushrooms.

Add celery seed.

Add brown sugar or honey.

V8 juice is added next.

Cook down for about 10 minutes at a simmer.

Add beans last and cook them until they are done to your taste.

Cook this entire batch of chilli until you get it coming up. Bubble a little. Do not boil. Turn it off and let it sit. You can even let it sit so long that it gets cold.

Then reheat it.

Siphon off the grease when it cools - the whitish looking stuff on the top.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

The story behind the mazda navajo


In 1920, Jujiro Matsuda founded Mazda as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd. It has been said that the mission of this vehicle manufacturer is to design and craft vehicles that are unique and different from the rest. If one would notice, the company has certainly put that in mind and has achieved such. Around the world and throughout the years, their cars has reached popularity status and rewarding recognition.

From manufacturing machine tools, Mazda, then known as the Toyo Cork Kogyo Co., Ltd. shifted to producing automobiles instead. The first vehicle that the company introduced to the automobile world is the Mazda-Go. This made its debut in 1931 and was a vehicle with three wheels. The recognition for Mazda as an automaker and crafter however came later in 1960. This came with the production of the company’s first vehicle with four wheels which was the Mazda R380 coupe. Come the 1980s, the Ford Motor Company noticed Mazda. Later on, the former included Mazda as their business partner and technological partner.

One of the vehicles that is running under the Mazda brand and name is the Mazda Navajo. This is a sports utility vehicle that made its public debut in 1991. It held two doors and was made available only as a four wheel drive. People have said that the Mazda Navajo is a rebadged Ford Explorer in essence. This vehicle is only sold exclusively to the United States.

The Mazda Navajo, as compared to the Ford Explorer, has a different grille, different tail lights, as well as different wheels. However, the only differences between the two vehicles’ interiors are the seat fabrics and the steering wheel hub. The rest matches each other like a long lost relative. This vehicle make is offered in two trim levels which comprise of the base and the LX. The base level was simpler than the LX and held power windows, power locks, and power mirrors as standard features. The LX, on the other hand, was more spruced up through the adding up of extra interior illumination, as well as a steering wheel wrapped in leather. For people and customers who would like to add up the features that the Mazda Navajo has, there are various packages available that has luxuries and comfort with it. The list includes air conditioning, a stereo system with cassette deck, a cruise control system, sport seats with power lumbar adjustment, as well as a pop-up and removable moonroof.

When maintaining a Mazda vehicle like the Mazda Navajo, it is important to get the best possible parts to achieve the best possible results in performance and comfort. A Mazda owner must be as discriminating as possible when choosing replacement parts for his car. A good choice of an auto parts supplier is thus very significant. Pick an auto parts store that has a good reputation. Go online and browse through the many online stores offering excellent parts. One of the best online parts suppliers is Mazda Parts and Mazda Auto Parts. One can simply go online and check out Mazda Parts and Mazda Auto Parts’ online collection of the best and quality Mazda parts.

Mongolian hot pot - more uses for your fondue pot

As much as you love your fondue pot, you can’t dunk bread cubes into hot melted cheese every night. On those nights when you need a break from cheese fondue, why not use the fondue pot for something else. Mongolian Hot Pot is a great meal that can be cooked in an electric fondue pot.

It is said that Mongolian Hot Pot was originated by the ancient Mongols who would cook their food in boiling water. They would season the water with the dry spices that they carried along with them on their many journeys and battles. Those Mongols probably would not recognize this Mongolian Hot Pot recipe but it's easy to make and delicious.

To make Mongolian Hot Pot you'll need a to fill your fondue pot with broth. Usually beef broth is used but you can substitute chicken or other broths for variety. Using your fondue forks you skewer meats and vegetables and cook them right at the table. Like fondue, this is a great meal for small dinner parties. All the of preparations such as cleaning and cutting the vegetables and meat into bite sized pieces, can be done before hand.

You'll need at least three dipping sauces to offer your guests some variety. Any less than that will become monotonous.

The vegetables and meat add flavor the broth while cooking in it. At the end of your meal you can add noodles or rice and serve it to your guests in a bowl. This after dinner soup is a special treat that your guests will remember and look forward to at future dinner parties.

Mongolian Hot Pot Recipe


5 cups Beef Broth

2 Green Onions (chopped)

2 Garlic Cloves (minced)

About 5 Shiitake Mushrooms (chopped)

2 tablespoons Cilantro (chopped)

2 tablespoons Ginger Root (minced)

2 tablespoons Soy Sauce

Vegetable Platter:

8 Bok Choy leaves (cut into strips)

2 ounce Spinach leaves (cut into strips)

1 – 8 ounce Can Bamboo Shoots (drained)

2 Green Onions (chopped)

1 cup Broccoli Florets

4 ounce Egg Noodles (cooked)

Meat Platter

1 pound Beef Tenderloin (sliced into thin strips)

Arrange vegetable platter before guests arrive

Bring Beef Broth to a boil

Add Green Onions, Garlic, Mushrooms, Cilantro, Ginger and Soy Sauce Simmer for 15 minutes

Spear beef strips with fondue forks and cook in broth for 3-5 minutes

Spear vegetable strips and cook until tender

Dip cooked beef and vegetables into desired sauces

When all the meat has been eaten:

Add cooked Egg Noodles to broth

Add remaining vegetables to broth

Simmer for about 5 minutes

Serve portion to each guest in a bowl

Dipping Sauce Recipes

Sesame Sauce

2 tablespoons White Sesame Seeds

1/3 cup Soy Sauce

2 tablespoons Green Onion (chopped)

1 tablespoon Cider Vinegar

2 teaspoons Ginger (finely chopped)

1 teaspoon Water

Brown Sesame Seeds in frying pan or skillet

Chop Browned Seeds and a few drops of soy in food processor on high

Add rest of the ingredients and mix

Soy Wasabi Sauce

2 ounce Soy Sauce

2 tablespoons Wasabi

Mix until smooth

Spicy Oriental Sauce

2 tablespoons Soy Sauce

1.5 tablespoons Lemon Juice

2 Green Chili Peppers (chopped)

1 clove Garlic

2 teaspoon Sesame Oil

Add all ingredients and mix

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Now the tenant can also think of financing with tenant loan

Earlier owning a house was a great help in getting the loan. As a result, the tenants used to always lag behind, where the matter of finance was concerned. Now the time has changed. The lender has also started thinking about the people who do not own houses. Moreover, they have opened the door for tenants so that they can also get a loan.

A loan without collateral! Can’t believe, but it is true. The tenants loans are for the people who rent their accommodation from the council, private landlords and students or for homeowners who don’t want to take risk on their assets; they can apply for tenant loan.

Tenant loan are nothing but a component of unsecured loan. Unsecured loan also target the tenants. Tenant loan is the best option for those who have stable income whether they own house or not and who want to borrow basically small amounts.

Tenant loan is also a personal loan, which can be used for buying a car, for consolidating the debts, home improvements and for any other purpose.

While applying for tenant loan the person is required to show his income proof, proof of identification and proof that you have made all the rental payments satisfactorily.

The shortcoming of tenant loan is that the rate of interest charged is higher than any secured loan. Higher rate of interest is nothing but a sort of compensation to the lender with regard to the security.

Researching and planning the budget is of utmost importance before going for any loan. Researching implies locating the various lenders in the market offering the tenant loan. This is the most cumbersome part of the process in determining the lenders. Today, lenders use the best means to provide the loan to the borrower; this is an online loan. Online facility has also made the searching process much easier through various search engines. Once you have located various lenders, then the next step is to choose the lender which suits your needs. On the other hand planning implies understanding your budget. This implies determining the appropriate amount you will borrow and how much you can arrange by yourself.

Approval of tenant loan is much faster because it does not involve much paper formalities and no need for evaluation of asset as no asset is involved. The people of poor credit history can also apply for the loan. But the good credit score always add up to your positive side while applying for a loan. A tenant loan also averts the risk of repossession of the collateral.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10 simple rules for online dating success

In theory, online dating is the ideal way to meet your 'perfect match', yet a surprisingly small percentage of members are actually successful in finding what they seek online. There are, however, some simple guidelines, which if implemented, will greatly increase your chances of success in the online dating arena.

1. Firstly, it is important that you choose the ideal dating website to suit your particular interest. There are now many niche areas in online dating, for example sugardaddyhaven. com or sports-dating. com and you should use the search engines to find a selection of dating websites where you consider you are most likely to find your ideal date.

2. Once you have located websites in the niche area of online dating that suit you most, always visit a handful of them and look for the administrator contact link. Send an email to the admin of each website, asking how many full paying members they have in their database. A well administered dating website should reply to your email within a couple of hours. Admin is all important, and will be 24/7 on a quality dating site.

3. Never join a free dating website if you are serious about finding a mate. 'Free For All' sites are often littered with incomplete profiles, and not taken seriously by their membership. A free trial period is good, but before making your choice of website to join, check out the member facilities. Do they have a chat room, video chat, a forum, instant messenger etc? Be wary of dating sites that do not allow you to search members before joining.

4. One last thing before you decide on your ideal dating site. Many dating sites are being infiltrated by scammers often from Africa, Ghana, Nigeria or Singapore. The IP addresses from these areas can be blocked by dating sites to save genuine members from being hassled. A good dating site will use these blocking tactics, and it's worth asking the question.

5. Once you make your choice and register with a dating website, you need to create a profile. Keep to the truth, but make yourself come across as interesting as possible, and be reasonably accurate in describing the type of partner you seek. Including a photograph will certainly increase your chances of being noticed.

6. When sending emails to other members, always be polite and courteous, especially in the first contact email. First impressions are very important. Always reply to every email you receive from other members, even if it's only to inform them that you are not interested.

7. Never give out your bank account or social security details to anyone. Do not be fooled by requests for money from people you just met no matter how convincing their story is or how beautiful or handsome their photos appear. Be aware that the photos are almost certainly not really them at all but merely photos of models copied from the Internet. The moment you are asked for money, cease all conversations with that member and report the scam to the administrators.

8. Once you open up contact with a member who you think may interest you, take your time in getting to know them well. You now have the opportunity to exchange relevant details about each other, and exchange photographs. However, in the early communications, don't believe all you are told. Trust will come in time.

9. Photographs often display the date on which they were taken, but be aware that some members will use old photographs in an effort to make themselves appear younger than they actually are. If your dating site has video cam facilities, you can get to see each other in real time which is useful in determining your prospective mate's current appearance.

10. If you do decide to meet another member for real, always suggest meeting in a busy area, and keep the first meeting short. Chemistry is something you just cannot measure through the Internet. It wouldn't be much fun spending a weekend with someone who you shared no chemistry with.

So these are just a few simple but important guidelines which hopefully will make your online dating experience a pleasant one. Remember that they are only guidelines and not rules. Everyone is different and you will need to explore together in order to discover the higher ground..

Trevor Taylor

Monday, October 10, 2016

What are your goals for a vacation

I participate in numerous forums and the question of where to go on vacation comes up frequently. I often suggest Disney World and it usually goes ignored. It left me wondering what it is people are looking for in a vacation.

There is no question that people should go where they want on vacation because they work hard all year to save for it and vacations do not come very often. A vacation should be relaxing, fun, enjoyable, and memorable. I have been on very few vacations that didn’t involve camping at Sebago Lake State Park in Maine. In fact, the only place I have vacationed outside of New England is Disney World. And, to be honest, I really can’t think of any other place I would want to go now that I have been there.

My wife and I went to Disney World for our honeymoon. I was against it when she first mentioned it, thinking we needed to go to Hawaii, Cancun, Aruba, or something more “conventional”. But, we went to Disney and I couldn’t be happier. We stayed at the Grand Floridian Hotel, which is their best hotel. This trip offered everything I mentioned in the previous paragraph and I think people, like me, that dismiss the thought if Disney as a vacation destination really need to rethink their decision.

A trip to Disney will never be boring and it will always be fun, enjoyable, and memorable. You may not think of Disney as relaxing however. After all, you are on your feet all day, walking through the parks in intense heat, most of the year, and standing in lines waiting to get on rides. But, my wife and I both said we could have stayed at the hotel for the week and had just as good of a time. The service anywhere at Disney is superior to any other company I have dealt with. The hotel had a white sandy beach, nice pools, hot tubs, spas, excellent restaurants, and beautiful landscaping to just take a relaxing walk around.

Disney also offers night life like you may find on a cruise or at a Cancun or Aruba. Located in downtown Orlando is Downtown Disney. They have numerous dance clubs, comedy clubs, and the party is brought to the street as each club wheels out their portable bar and serves drinks on the street. At the end of the street is an open stage where they often have live concerts. In addition to this nightlife Disney is known for their entertainment throughout the parks. They put on shows that are amazing. We saw a show that was outside at night. I believe it was called Illuminations. This was a show made up of characters as well as movie clips. The best part was the movie clips were shown on sheets of water spraying up from the lake/pond the show was in.

I have talked so far about what my wife and I like in a vacation but the fact remains, there are many different types of people and thankfully there are unlimited places to vacation. Just in our country alone we have many attractions. You can pick any region of this country and find something worth seeing on a vacation. We have so many different sites that should be seen by all before they die, such as the Grand Canyon, Mount Rushmore, Empire State Building, Washington, DC, and the list goes on.

As much as I enjoyed my trip to Disney I could also see myself in Montana doing some fly fishing. The scenery in that movie, “A River Runs Through It” was breathtaking. I have also watched many shows on Discovery HD and seeing what else is out there really makes you appreciate how lucky we are to be alive and enjoy the scenes nature has created.

Regardless of what you look for in a vacation there is something out there to fill that need. Our travel industry was hurt by September 11th and I still do not think it has recovered fully from that day almost 5 years ago now. But, you should not deprive yourself of seeing some of the places in the world you really want to see just because of a potential terrorist attack. Get out there and enjoy it.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Where can you skydive in ohio

If you want to skydive, Ohio is a great place to go for it and they boast some great skydiving schools for people of all levels, from beginners to more advanced skydivers.

Is it Safe to Skydive in Ohio?

Skydiving is a big passion for many people and it is an extreme sport that doesn’t come without its dangers. There is more to skydiving than just jumping out of the plane because you have to go through training about safety and how to use the parachute etc.

Skydiving in Ohio is available to everyone from beginners to more advanced skydivers, but everyone needs to be fully trained because of the dangers involved. You will not be allowed to just skydive without the process beforehand, so remember it is a lot harder than what you may think.

What do you need to do to Skydive in Ohio?

Firstly registration will have to be completed to enroll with the skydiving school and this is where all of the legal things are done. The skydiving school will look after all of its equipment and do regular safety assessments to assure everyone who wants to skydive with them that they will be safe. Also anyone who wants to skydive will have to have a medical to make sure that they are fit enough to skydive.

After all of this has been done, an intensive training session will have to be undertaken to make sure that you know exactly what to do. You will have to listen to everything, then undertake some tests to make sure that you were paying attention to what you were being told. Skydiving is extremely dangerous and therefore preparation is absolutely vital to make sure that it is a great experience.

Is it Worth Skydiving in Ohio?

If you are a fan of skydiving or if are feeling daring and you want to try it for the first time, Ohio is a great place to do this. There are some great skydiving schools in Ohio where people of all levels can go to enjoy the experience of a lifetime. The schools will make sure that everything is as safe as possible and they will also make sure that people are trained before jumping out of a plane.

If you are considering skydiving, enquire about it at your nearest skydiving school and they will be able to answer any questions which you may have. The instructors will be completely trained and they will be there to put people at ease and make sure that the skydiving experience meets people’s expectations and more.

Overall, skydiving in Ohio is available to people of all skill levels and it offers a great training program before allowing people to actually skydive.

How to choose a credit card processing provider

In order to accept credit cards either online or through your physical storefront, one of the things you are going to need is an account with a credit card processing provider. A Credit Card Processing Provider is a company that manages the interface between your credit card terminal or shopping cart software and the Visa/Master network.

Since you are paying a portion of each credit card transaction to your credit card processing provider, it is important that you fully understand the services that your provider offers and how much you are going to pay for these services.

The rate that you will be charged depends upon many factors including the type of product or service you sell and the amount of the average sales transaction. Using this information you can shop around to find a credit card processing provider that offers you the best value for the least money.

For example, if you sell mostly high-ticket items you may be better off finding a provider that will offer you a higher flat-rate transaction fee and a lower discount rate. It may be better for you to pay as much as a $1.00 per-transaction fee when combined with a lower discount if your profit margin can handle it. On the other hand, if you sell a lot of low-priced items, you are better off finding a provider that offers a very low per-transaction fee and a discount rate somewhere in the area of 2.5% or less.

Be Prepared To Pay A Penalty For Poor Credit

If your personal or business credit is below par, you are not going to be able to negotiate much in the way of processing and transaction fees. If that’s the case, look for credit card processing providers that work with people who are in your particular credit situation. But don’t go with the first one that makes you an offer. Even though you may not be able to negotiate, you can still shop around for the best deal.

Look For Technical Integration Issues

Your online ordering software needs to be able to communicate seamlessly with your credit card processing provider’s software through a program that is known as a “Gateway.” Not all providers offer gateways that are compatible with all shopping carts. Make sure that yours is.

Evaluate Your “Risk”

There are a number of credit card processing providers that will not do business with start-up companies or companies that serve certain markets such as the Adult Entertainment or Gambling industry.

Be prepared to pay higher fees if you are in those industries and be prepared to spend some time finding a credit card processing provider that is willing to serve you. The best way to find one that serves your industry is to check your competitors’ sites and see which providers they are using.

Do You Need International Processing?

If your business has a global presence that requires you to handle credit card transactions from outside of your home country, you are going to need an international credit card provider.

Some merchants choose one provider for their domestic transactions and another for their international transactions since the fees are usually higher when the customer is from another country.

Your best advice is to shop around, read the contract carefully and completely before signing, and have your attorney and accountant review all of the paperwork before you commit. That way you’ll know for sure what you are agreeing to and you’ll have a much better chance of running a profitable business when you can control your credit card processing costs.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Los nombres detras de las bandas de musica

Muchas bandas de mъsica son nombradas a partir de diferentes situaciones, personas o cosas que jamбs te haz imaginado. Aquн te contaremos todas las historias detrбs de las bandas de mъsica mбs famosas de la historia. Los orнgenes de las bandas de rock y seudуnimos de artistas son un misterio que te revelaremos aquн. Diviйrtete!

1) Los Bee Gees:

Los hermanos Giba primero tuvieron en mente el nombre de " Los Rattlensnakes" para su banda. Luego tuvieron la idea de honorar las iniciales de los dos hermanos Giba y un amigo cercano y uno de sus primeros soportes, DJ Hill Gates, quien no tiene nada que ver con el fundador de Microsoft. Es asн como Los Bee Gees fueron nombrados luego de las iniciales Bill Gates.

2) Bob Dylan:

Su nombre original es Robert Zimmerman, y era demasiado largo y ademбs el era un fanбtico de Dylan Thomas.

3) The Doors:

Primero fueron nombrados Psychedelic Ranger. Luego fueron inspirados por una cita de William Blake: "si las puertas (doors) de la percepciуn serian lavadas, todo aparecerнa al hombre como es, infinito."

4) Elton John:

Su nombre real es Reginald Dwight. Tomo su nombre artнstico de otros mъsicos britбnicos, Elton Dean y John Baldry.

5) Elvis Costello:

Naciу llamado Decнan Patrick McManus. Cuando comenzу su carrera musical, adopto un alias creado por una combinaciуn de Elvis Presley y Lou Costello, simplemente porque representa lo opuesto de el otro Elvis.

6) Eurythmics:

Su nombre es originado en un sistema de instrucciуn musical de 1890 que se focaliza en respuestas fнsicas.

7) Everything but the Girl:

Se inspiraron en una propaganda de ropa britбnica que vendнa todo menos a la chica (Everything but the girl). La implicaciуn era que todo estaba en rebajas menos las cosas de chica.

8) Green Day:

Si fumas marihuana y luego te relajas todo el dнa, has tenido un dнa verde (Green Day).

9) Guns and Roses:

De los nombres de Axl Rose y Tracii Guns.

10) Marilyn Manson:

El seudуnimo del lнder de la banda mezclo dos de las celebridades favoritas americanas: Marilyn Monroe y Charles Manson. Otros miembros de la banda usan los pseudonimos Ginger Fish, Twiggy Ramirez y Madonna Wayne Gacy.

11) Nirvana:

En el budismo significa el estado de bendiciуn perfecta obtenida por la destrucciуn de uno mismo.

12) Pet Shop Boys:

En la disco gay "underground" habнan los cuartos oscuros en los cuales no sabes con quien estas teniendo sexo. Una variaciуn son los Pet Shops: no sabes con lo que lo estas haciendo.

13) Queen:

Una palabra que caracteriza a los travestis y la realeza. Connotaciones perfectas para el nombre de la banda en los ojos de Freddie Mercury.

14) Ramones:

Una historia un poco "freaky". En el principio de su carrera, Paul McCartney se llamaba a si mismo Paul Ramone.

15) R. E.M:

"Rapad Eye Movement" Movimiento rбpido de ojos, que es un estado de sueсo.

16) TLC:

Las iniciales de los apodos de los miembros de la banda son T Boz, Left Eye y Chilli. Tambiйn sugiere los acrуnimos de "Tender, Loving y Care".

17) UB40:

La banda fue desde un principio relacionada con temas polнticos y fue nombrada a partir de un formulario de desempleo en britбnico.

18) U2:

Un tipo de aviуn espнa usado por los estados unidos, Bono explico una vez que U2 creciу de pensamientos de interacciуn con la audiencia... como en "you too" (vos tambiйn).

19) Velvet Underground:

Nombrados a partir de un titulo de un libro de sexo desconocido que uno de los miembros de la banda habнa encontrado tirado en la calle.

20) XTC:

Esta banda de punk fue formada en 1976 antes de que usar drogas sea popular. La banda habнa cambiado su nombre original Star Park luego de mirar a Jimmy Durante clip en el que dice:"Estoy en Йxtasis!"

21) Yeh Yeh Yeh:

De acuerdo a Karen O, la inspiraciуn de esta banda de Hip hop vino de la frase Newyorkina que significa "Whatever".