Friday, July 29, 2016

Living better in times of chaos

Is your life full of chaos?

Challenges such as stress, anxiety, illness and depression all contribute to a chaotic life. So how do you rid your life of the obstacles to your happiness and change it for the better?

Yehuda Berg says the answer lies within a group of sacred letters from the biblical story of Moses and the Red Sea. In his book "The 72 Names of God," Berg says that through 72 three-letter combinations taken from three biblical verses, you can find the strength to eliminate negative forces that keep you from living a fulfilling life.

The book explains that the 72 names are not "names" in the literal sense, but visual mantras that are activated spiritually rather than vocally. These spiritual tools come from a tradition called Kabbalah, which is today the fastest-growing global spiritual movement. Contrary to popular belief, Kabbalah is not a religion and you do not have to be Jewish to study it.

According to the teachings of Kabbalah, everything, including our destiny, begins and ends with our own individual behavior. The apparent randomness that we encounter in life is actually a system of cause and effect. Furthermore, the ability to overcome challenges lies in the power of mind over matter.

"The 72 Names of God" encourages readers to meditate on the names and follow through with a physical action to implement positive change in their lives.

Here are a few of the names and their applications:

* Healing: Think about others who also need healing. Be accountable. Blaming someone or something else absolves us of responsibility. Accepting 100 percent responsibility brings about the energy of healing.

* Unconditional Love: You should offer unconditional love to others if you want to have peace and serenity in your life. Love has the power to eradicate all forms of darkness. When you offer love to your enemies, you destroy their darkness and hatred.

* Eliminating Negative Thoughts: When negative thoughts - worry, anxiety, fear, pessimism, uncertainty - invade your mind, focus on thoughts that move you forward, not backward.

* Letting Go: Human nature is to hang on to past regrets and earlier traumas. But you cannot live a fulfilling future if you are hanging on to an unhappy and cynical past. This name gives you the courage to let go.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Succeeding in online dating

Online dating is becoming very popular. Where as one used to look around for a prospective date through friends, one can now search for one online. Online dating offers different challenges and once you learn the art of online dating, you can get dream dates. Before you proceed further to read about success in online dating, note that facts given by people on online dating sites can be misleading. Verify the credentials and then enjoy your dating, because online dating offers a great variety of candidates.

Let us begin with your profile. Have you uploaded a smiling picture of yourself? A picture that truly represents who you are? Never upload a picture of yourself with another person. Let it be only yours and such that creates a positive impact. In your profile, have you mentioned all your positive qualities? Does your profile make you look like a desirable date? Without any lies, try to make your profile as attractive as possible.

What about writing mails to prospective dating partners? Do you copy paste a common mail and send to many at a time, or pay attention to each mail and try to make it as individual as possible. Bring some charm in your mails, so that the recipient feels that you are a genuine person looking forward to meet him/her. Mass mailing fails, because it always gives itself away.

Women, when you are dating for the first time, don't give your home address or telephone number. Take your own vehicle and find out before hand where you will be meeting. Try to meet at a public place and avoid wearing very attractive outfits. Limit your conversation to basics and find out more about your male date. With little precaution, online dating can be a big success.

Men, try to make your lady date as comfortable as possible. Don't act in any way that can give her different ideas. Let her feel that you are a thorough gentleman and she has nothing to worry from you. She will slowly open up. Remember that God has given us the instinct of protection. Don't over do any thing during your first date so that the lady may feel uncomfortable. Slow and steady will win the race.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Content is king build your internet marketing kingdom through strategic copywriting

The internet marketing adage, content is king, continues to reign true for those seeking to gain higher rankings and increased traffic for their website. Just like every square foot of a commercial real estate property is worth money, so is every space on your website. The difference is that the open spaces on your website need to be strategically filled with relevant keywords that will feed the search engine bots what they are seeking; if the search engine algorithms are satisfied, then your website will have higher rankings, thus driving in free, organic, and targeted traffic to your website.

It is important to underscore the relevance of the content. In an age where internet search engines, and technology corresponding to search and browse functionality on websites, is getting more and more intelligent - the internet marketer has never been so motivated to secure relevant and high quality content for their sites. No longer will content that is barely relevant to the site cotinue to score highly in Google's new algorithms.

Effective SEO Copywriting Strategy

In order to provide the search engine bots the content that will benefit your website, it is important to develop a strong strategy that can be continuously implemented.

Research your keywords. In order to find your targeted traffic, you must understand what keywords users are searching for in the search engines. In addition, it is ideal to find niche keywords that do not have tremendous competition. For example, if you offer web design services, instead of using the highly competitive keywords “web design,” utilize a niche keywords, such as “medical office web design.” ZamDoo. com, a powerful keyword management software program, has an extensive research tool that can help you avoid the most competitive keywords, while targeting the niche keywords that have many inquiries, but half the competition.

Develop keyword density. The search engines like to see a 4 – 6% keyword density on your site; this means that if you have a page on your website with 100 words, then 4 – 6 of them should be your keyword. The important consideration with keyword density is that you should ensure that the number of keywords do not impact the natural flow of your text, as you want your content to not only be search engine optimized, but convert your visitors as well.

Keyword placement. Your keywords should be equally scattered throughout the text. It is ideal to have the keyword in the title, and then placed in the beginning, middle, and end of the text.

Latent-semantic indexing. Recently, Google’s search bots have developed a new LSI algorithm that not only looks for keywords, but also logical related words and phrases that would naturally appear in the article. For example, if your content is about the “Ibook,” then its related words that should appear, under LSI standards, would be “Mac computers,” “Mac laptops,” etc.

Remember, your content has two powerful purposes: conversions and search engine optimization. By taking the above tips into consideration, you can create content that the search engines will index into high rankings, thus bringing you free, targeted traffic that helps you build your internet marketing kingdom.

4 ways to make sure the internet stays free

Internet access has always been the ultimate in democracy and freedom of speech and choice. You can use virtually any available application, equipment or service to gain access to almost any content.

Bloggers have access to the same potential audience as the New York Times. Artists of all kinds have equal opportunities to find an audience based on their talent and drive; not on money or privilege. Two students in a dorm room with a good idea, a little ingenuity and some skill can create a multi-billion dollar company.

And it gets better since every internet user is pretty much guaranteed access to any site they want, whenever they want it and at the fastest available speed. It doesn’t matter if you log on to Google or eBooks About Everything, the internet access is equal. In other words, the bandwidth available to me as a small business is exactly the same bandwidth available to a huge corporation.

There are always those who are suspicious of freedom. People who want to control a good thing – for profit, for morality or just because they think they can. So it is not surprising that big telephone and cable companies (AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, Time Warner) have set their sites on controlling access to the internet and its content.

These (and other) big companies lobby the Federal Government every day for control of internet access, speed and content. In essence they want to transform the freeway model of networking to a toll road version. They will magnanimously allow the government to collect part of the toll if they can control who gets to use the fast lanes.

But some of us are fighting back. A large number of internet pioneers. industry leaders, bloggers and ordinary citizens believe the internet was created provide equal access and that the access should remain equal. We actually believe that the world does not need one more thing controlled by Government and/or Big Business! And because freedom of speech is still allowed a movement call Net Neutrality has sprung up.

Net Neutrality simply means that internet access will always be free, fast and available. That innovation, not money or politics, will determine who succeeds in the market place of ideas and technology.

To find out more, you can do a simple Google Search on “Net Neutrality” or a scan of Wikipedia. I promise you that you will get more information than you can absorb in one sitting.

I love the fact that the internet is open, free and somewhat “wild”. I suppose it is the last vestige of my 60’s rebel persona. And as a former rebel, nothing makes me sit up and notice faster then when the government (or anyone else) wants to start controlling something.

As we move into election season protecting our freedoms has become an increasingly important agenda for me. I have a few action items:

• I will only vote for candidates who support Net Neutrality.

• I am stepping up my writing/email campaign to my current representatives to tell them that Net Neutrality is vitally important to economic growth and development

• I have joined Save the Net (savethenet. org) and Hands off the Internet (handsoff. org)

• I will support these organizations with money and time

Please join me in these doing these four simple things. One of the things I have learned over the years is the awesome power of fingers on keyboards. Enough of them pointed at a single target can change the world. That is democracy in action!

Developing an optimistic attitude

How's your attitude lately? I caught myself doing something surprising a few days ago: being a pessimist!

I was working on a big project and making great progress, when suddenly I encountered a big obstacle that would take more time and energy to get through than I had anticipated. The first words out of my mouth were, "Of course, everything always goes wrong for me." Gasp! Who said that?

I tend to think of myself as a positive person most of the time. I almost always have a smile or laugh available, and I try to look on the bright side of things. But I wasn't always like that. I spent most of my early life stuck in negative thinking. For the past few years I've worked very hard on changing my mindset to a positive one, and helping others to do the same. The other day I realized just how easy it is to slip back into negative thinking again.

To be fair to myself, I was frustrated when I uttered that negative phrase. It's understandable that we get upset when things go wrong. However, what I said simply isn't true. Everything always goes wrong for me. At that moment, all of the hard work I've done on myself over the past few years vanished. I was right back where I used to spend most of my time: being a "victim."

I like to joke that I own lakefront property in "Victimville." ;-) But I don't have to stay there. None of us do.

Expecting the Best

You've probably heard the phrase, "Expect the Best, but Prepare for the Worst." Do you really expect the best? Or are you just waiting for something negative to happen so you can say, "Everything always goes wrong for me." Isn't preparing for the worst the same as expecting the worst?

We can't expect the best AND the worst. We have to choose. In my moment of frustration, I was expecting the worst. Once I realized what I was doing, I decided to change it around. One obstacle does not mean my whole project is ruined. It just means I might have to work a little harder, or a little longer to reach my goal. What's the big deal? At that moment, the big deal was that I wouldn't achieve the outcome I was expecting, in the timeframe I expected to do it. Ah, notice the word "expect" sprinkled throughout that statement. How often do our expectations get us into trouble? For most of us, quite often!

So I uttered a phrase that would cancel out my previous negative one: It's all good. Whether I meet my goals or not, it's all good. Even if more obstacles come up, it's still all good. Everything happens exactly when it's meant to. That phrase has the power to relieve all pressure and stress, if we allow it to.

Reinforcing Postive Thoughts

The truth is, positive thinking takes consistent effort. It would be great if we could "fix" our negative thinking once and for all, and never have to worry about it again. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. We have the tendency to form habits around our most common routines, whether physical or mental. In order to change negative thinking into positive thinking, we need to work at it constantly.

There are two ways to do this:

Replace the negative thoughts with positive ones - It takes practice, but you can actually catch yourself thinking negative thoughts. Begin to form an awareness of when this happens. Because I've been working at this for so long, I immediately noticed when I uttered that negative phrase. If you are new to positive thinking, it might take some time for you to notice when negative thoughts come barging in. When you do notice them, immediately question the thought. Is it really true? Does it accurately reflect your reality? Even if it does, you can still choose something else. What reality would you like to create? Then form a positive statement that will cancel out the negative one. Every time you come across a negative thought, go through this same inner process. Question the negative thought and then replace it with a positive one.

Preventative maintenance - You don't have to wait for negative thoughts to come up in order to start thinking more positively. Make it a habit to purposely feed your mind positive thoughts each day -- several times a day. Keep it simple. Say things like, "I am a good person." -- "I love my life." -- "I'm good at what I do." -- "I make my own good luck." -- "I choose to be happy." -- and my personal favorite, "It's all good."

At first you might not really believe these positive thoughts, and that's okay. Keep at it. Say them as if you really did mean them, and eventually you will begin to believe it. Remember that our negative thinking patterns are a result of YEARS of reinforcement. Changing negative thinking patterns to positive ones takes time.

I'm in this journey with you, you are not alone. Remember that it IS a journey. We don't have to rush to the finish line, we just need to enjoy the scenery. It's all good -- really! :-)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

What is so special about gourmet pizza

Pizza has been around for thousands of years. When did out of the ordinary and delicious gourmet pizza make its debut? What would the forefathers of pizza think of this culinary masterpiece?

Everyone knows that a standard pizza comes with pepperoni, cheese, ground beef, peppers, onions, anchovies and sausage. Today gourmet pizza is created with any kind of topping. They are topped with anything from broccoli to chocolate. There are gourmet pizzas for breakfast that can be topped with scrambled eggs, bacon and cheese. And, there are vegetarian gourmet pizzas that are topped with a medley of vegetables.

The gourmet pizza is relatively new and was created for the privileged. It has grown in popularity in nearly every household in the United States. Pizza parlors are popping up all across the country. A Sunday afternoon of football will be a definite hit with the gang if a gourmet pizza with all the toppings is served. A sure pleaser for chocolate lovers is a dessert pizza topped with marshmallows and chocolate.

Gourmet pizza was conceived with the belief that less is better. Only by using the finest quality ingredients and one or two toppings, can a pizza acquire the status of a gourmet pizza. Only the freshest and highest quality meats and freshest mozzarella can be used. The difference in a standard pizza and a gourmet pizza will be proven with each bite.

An ordinary consumer, with a little imagination, can create a gourmet pizza at home. A variety of pre-baked pizza shells are available in all types of food stores. With some imagination and experimentation, a home chef can make a mouth-watering work of art. Most food stores carry a line of pizza shells, cheeses and gourmet sauces. Cheeses other than Mozzarella can be used.

Gourmet pizza shops continue to grow, offering a variety of pizzas from different cultures. Every culture brings an innovative way to make the gourmet pizza. These tasty delights will bring dining pleasure for years to come.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Lose weight for a healthier heart

Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of obese Americans continues to rise. In fact, 30 percent of adults over age 20-more than 60 million people-are obese, which means they are 30 pounds overweight and have a BMI, or body mass index (a mea-sure of body fat), of more than 30.

Obesity Is On The Rise

One of the goals of the National Institutes of Health is to reduce obesity among adults by more than half by the year 2010. However, current data suggests that the situation is getting worse. Due to rising rates of childhood obesity, life expectancy for the average American could decrease by two to five years over the next few decades unless major efforts are made to slow down the rising rates of obesity.

What's more, obesity is a risk factor for heart disease and other serious health complications:

• Obesity is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Having these disorders at the same time is a condition called the metabolic syndrome, which can lead to an increased risk for heart disease and kidney disease.

• High blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease, is twice as common in obese adults than in those who are at a healthy weight.

• Obesity can also lead to arthritis, which is caused by stress on your joints.

A Likely Trigger For Heart Disease

Obesity, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are a common grouping of risk factors for people with heart disease. Managing all these risk factors will help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

What You Can Do Today

Overweight and obesity together represent the number-two preventable cause of death in the U. S. after smoking. There are many things you can do to get your weight under control and to help manage your risk for heart disease:

• Develop a diet and exercise plan that you feel is realistic and that you can maintain.

• Talk to your doctor about medicines that may help control your risk factors for heart disease. If you are prescribed medicines, take them exactly as directed and for as long as your doctor recommends.

• Resolve to make this year a healthier one-set a weight-loss goal and stick with it.

Acne remedy what worked for my acne was the drug-free way part 1

There are over 50 million people in America alone who suffer from this image debilitating skin disorder known as acne but I am glad to say, that estimate has lost a count and it is my hope that many more will find success at being excluded from that list.

I suffered from acne for over a decade of my life and this lingered way into adulthood, thus it wasn’t just a “puberty thing”. Imagine not being able to look in the mirror with ease, having to look down when speaking to people, hating to take photos and hang out with friends and family, all because of one crises: Acne.

Well, not anymore, I’ve been successful at getting rid of my pimples with simple methods and the aim of this article is to show acne sufferers how to achieve similar results naturally and in about a week…or less!

Believe me, I tried the famous acne remedy product on TV that I’m sure every and any acne patient has heard of and probably tried to no avail. I even went as far as considering plastic surgery, that’s how desperate I was but as the saying goes: “The best things in life are FREE…even when it comes to an acne remedy.”

Characterized by bumps, excessively oily or dry skin, spots and embarrassing eruptions, acne remains a terrible skin disorder that sadly permits for exploitation from the many marketers and charlatans out to make a fast buck on the expense of the vulnerable.

Even the so called natural approaches of acne treatment aimed at treating acne from within, are unrealistic, impractical and often pricey or are just the same one-dimensional gimmick cures disguised as holistic solutions.

That said I will now outline the natural, common sense, and very inexpensive methods for a successful acne remedy naturally.


First and foremost, for not just overcoming this skin disorder, but for your all around health, you have to seriously consider making a change in your diet. “You are what you eat.” If your diet consists of only junk and fast foods, you are only wreaking havoc on your entire system of visceral organs ranging from the digestive tract to the excretory organs. That said; make it a point to adhere to eating what has been coined in the drugless fraternity as “the Mucus-Less/Alkaline Diet” which is made up of mostly Organic Seasonal Fruits, Fruit, Root and Leafy vegetables and as needed pure filtered water.

Not only will this simple change in diet make for a clearer and smoother skin, it will also give the added benefit of improved health and overall wellness. A basic format for a suggested diet regimen when using the components listed above will be in the next installment of “Acne Remedy: what worked for my acne was the drug-free way”

Foras Aje is an independent researcher and author of Fitness: Inside and out, a book on improving physical and mental health naturally. For more information on acne treatment visit bodyhealthsoul. com/acne. htm

With over 50 Million people suffering from acne, it is no wonder a successful treatment of this skin disorder is constantly searched for. It is also why the acne treatment industry is a multi-million dollar industry at the expense of acne sufferers. What if you were to find out the best acne remedy indeed is very inexpensive and drug-free. Well it is.

Como controlar adiccion a las apuestas

Dicen que el primer paso para detener una adicciуn es admitir que tienes un problema. Aquн te presento una serie de consejos para tratar a un ser querido que es adicto a las apuestas de una forma efectiva.

Tratar con alguien que tiene una adicciуn a las apuestas puede ser doloroso. Tienen una tendencia a desconectarse de la familia y de los seres queridos, entonces a continuaciуn te explicare lo que debes hacer en el caso que alguien que quieres es adicto a las apuestas.

Algunos de los pasos son difнciles, sin embargo tienen un muy buen resultado y son importantes tener en cuenta la hora de actuar.

La primer cosa que debes hacer es esconder tus objetos de valor, y si esta persona vive contigo, deberбs mantenerlos bajo llaves y si eso no es posible entonces llevarlos a un banco bajo una caja de seguridad.

Si esta persona es tu hijo o pareja, entonces deberбs limitar su acceso a tu dinero. En muchas circunstancias gente ha gastado los ahorros familiares y ahorros para la universidad de sus hijos. Entonces si puedes obtener el nъmero de cuentas de la persona indicada, si no es demasiado tarde, y cancelar todas sus tarjetas de crйdito.

En algъn momento deberбs confrontarlo. Cuado lo hagas, es importante no gritarle y no enojarse; sino diles como te afecta lo que estбn haciendo. Asegurate de que la gente cercana a ellos estйn ahн para ayudarte y apoyarte (sin contradecirte).

Es importante que todos tomen turnos y le digan a la persona como su adicciуn a las apuestas ha afectado sus relaciones, sin hacerlo agresivamente, sino tranquilamente. Esto ayudara a la persona a darse cuenta que la gente que lo quiere esta viendo algo que el no ve, y comenzara a mirar a sus acciones con otros ojos.

Recuerda, el objetivo de confrontarlo no es de hacerlos dejar de apostar completamente, pero ayudarlos a reconocer que tienen un problema. Y buscar ayuda profesional.

Algunas personas recomiendan que lleves a la persona a Encuentros de Adictos Anуnimos a las Apuestas, pero yo no creo que sea buena idea. Aunque esta sea una organizaciуn que ayuda a aquellos con problemas de apuestas a alejarse de ellas, creo que algunos necesitan una sesiуn o dos con un psicуlogo o un consejero entrenado para tratar con adictos al juego.

Luego de que todo este dicho y hecho, deberбs estar listo ya que la mayor parte del tiempo el apostador seguirб apostando, quizбs lo intenten hacer en secreto pero no se detendrб completamente.

En la mayorнa de las adicciones, la persona con el problema necesita tocar el fondo, y luego cuando haya perdido todo lo que significa para el importante (familia, amigos, trabajo), comenzaran a ver el problema y buscar ayuda. Si conoces a alguien que no admite tener el problema de ser adicto, te recomiendo que si ya has intentado tu mejor esfuerzo, deberбs estar listo a alejarte, y recuerda que en algъn punto debes abandonar a un barco hundido antes de ir abajo a buscarlo.

Para encontrar mбs informaciуn sobre el tema puedes buscar en Apostadores Anуnimos.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Pointe shoes- shopping for your first pair

Getting your first pair of pointe shoes is a memory not soon forgotten. From the first blisters to the spotlight at the recital, your shoes will carry you to fulfill your dancing dreams.

It is important to have your pointe shoes fitted by someone who understands the shoe’s purpose and the dancer’s body’s demands. Be certain to ask about the credentials of the person doing your fitting, especially if you have concerns about their understanding of your needs.

When you go in for your fitting, bring thin socks or tights to wear in order to keep the shoes clean and create an accurate fit. Ask your teacher if she has any shoe preferences and any padding suggestions. Understand the demands that will be on your shoes by knowing the number of classes per week that you will be taking on pointe and the duration of those classes. Call ahead for an appointment whenever possible to insure individualized service.

Once you find the shoes you like, test them. Take them off, walk around for a few minutes, and then try them on again. If they still feel right to you and look right to your teacher or fitting professional, chances are you have found your best starting shoe.

If you have any concerns, considering taking the shoes in to your teacher for a second opinion. Ask about the exchange policy before purchasing the shoes. If you are getting a second opinion, wear clean tights while trying on the shoes and use a clean towel over the floor. Do not bend, crush, or otherwise try to break in the shoes until you are certain you want to keep them.

Above all, enjoy the experience. To this day I look back with a smile on my face to the time when I bought my first pair of pointe shoes. It is a joy that brings with it new challenges and experiences that will help you to grow as a dancer.

Platform beds-perfection has made its way into the bedroom furniture

The craze from Europe has finally made its way overseas to the states. With its sleek design and style that can flatter any bedroom, you’re bound to find a platform bed that fits perfectly into your decor. The benefits of these contemporary beds go far beyond the eye catching, clean cut appearance that they portray.

Design isn’t the only thing that will fit perfectly into your lifestyle, the price will too. Although the platform bed is now the hottest thing to show off in your house, they are affordable and realistic. These beds require only an inner spring mattress or futon mattress because of the support slats that are built right into the bed. There is no need for a box spring. No more downsizing the bed from king to queen size so that you can afford a box spring set. If you use a box spring because you like the height of it, you can certainly set up various platform beds with a box spring as well. Keep in mind though, being lower to the ground means a cooler nights sleep for you. I guess you could say the platform bed is the Hybrid of beds. Plain and simple, it is economical.

With the simplicity of the platform bed comes versatility and easy maintenance. Whether you are looking to replace your existing bed or looking for an entirely new bedroom set, this bed is perfect for the occasion. Being so transitional, the platform bed can blend into any set that you already have or that you are looking to purchase. It compliments all different styles and can be decorated to have a more modern, clean line look or even to have a warm, inviting look, depending on your taste.

The style of the platform bed allows for ease and convenience. On some models there are storage drawers beneath the bed or storage areas within the headboard of the bed. This makes it convenient to have extra linens and pillows right there within reach or to even use the space as an extension of your closet if your wife’s cloths are overwhelming your side of the walk-in. Whatever it’s use, it adds to the beds charm and character.

There are many different platform beds out there, which can make it almost impossible to see each and every one while shopping for your new bed. But with all of those choices, you can be certain you will find the perfect one for your needs. You can choose from wood frames, metal, upholstered, leather, or canopy. Some have high headboards, low headboards, no headboards – all is true for the footboards as well. You can have one that sits on the floor or one that is lifted slightly. Not only can you choose the size of the bed, like you would with any other, from twin to king, but you can also choose to have a round bed. That should add a new spice to the bedroom.

With its many designs, styles and shapes there is sure to be one to complete and compliment the look of your room. If ever there was a bed to be so versatile and economical at the same time, this is it. The best word to describe the platform bed is PERFECT.

Art theft most famous cases in history

Art theft is an ancient and complicated crime. When you look at the some of the most famous cases of art thefts in history, you see thoroughly planned operations that involve art dealers, art fakers, mobsters, ransoms, and millions of dollars. Here you can read about some of the most famous cases of art theft in the history.

The First Theft:

The first documented case of art theft was in 1473, when two panels of altarpiece of the Last Judgment by the Dutch painter Hans Memling were stolen. While the triptych was being transported by ship from the Netherlands to Florence, the ship was attacked by pirates who took it to the Gdansk cathedral in Poland. Nowadays, the piece is shown at the National Museum in Gdansk where it was recently moved from the Basilica of the Assumption.

The Most Famous Theft:

The most famous story of art theft involves one of the most famous paintings in the world and one of the most famous artists in history as a suspect. In the night of August 21, 1911, the Mona Lisa was stolen out of the Louver. Soon after, Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned by the police, but was released quickly.

It took about two years until the mystery was solved by the Parisian police. It turned out that the 30Ч21 inch painting was taken by one of the museum employees by the name of Vincenzo Peruggia, who simply carried it hidden under his coat. Nevertheless, Peruggia did not work alone. The crime was carefully conducted by a notorious con man, Eduardo de Valfierno, who was sent by an art faker who intended to make copies and sell them as if they were the original painting.

While Yves Chaudron, the art faker, was busy creating copies for the famous masterpiece, Mona Lisa was still hidden at Peruggias apartment. After two years in which Peruggia did not hear from Chaudron, he tried to make the best out of his stolen good. Eventually, Peruggia was caught by the police while trying to sell the painting to an art dealer from Florence, Italy. The Mona Lisa was returned to the Louver in 1913.

The Biggest Theft in the USA:

The biggest art theft in United States took place at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. On the night of March 18, 1990, a group of thieves wearing police uniforms broke into the museum and took thirteen paintings whose collective value was estimated at around 300 million dollars. The thieves took two paintings and one print by Rembrandt, and works of Vermeer, Manet, Degas, Govaert Flinck, as well as a French and a Chinese artifact.

As of yet, none of the paintings have been found and the case is still unsolved. According to recent rumors, the FBI are investigating the possibility that the Boston Mob along with French art dealers are connected to the crime.

The Scream:

The painting by Edvard Munchs, The Scream, is probably the most sought after painting by art thieves in history. It has been stolen twice and was only recently recovered. In 1994, during the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway, The Scream was stolen from an Oslo gallery by two thieves who broke through an open window, set off the alarm and left a note saying: thanks for the poor security.

Three months later, the holders of the painting approached the Norwegian Government with an offer: 1 million dollars ransom for Edvard Munchs The Scream. The Government turned down the offer, but the Norwegian police collaborated with the British Police and the Getty Museum to organize a sting operation that brought back the painting to where it belongs.

Ten years later, The Scream was stolen again from the Munch Museum. This time, the robbers used a gun and took another of Munchs painting with them. While Museum officials waiting for the thieves to request ransom money, rumors claimed that both paintings were burned to conceal evidence. Eventually, the Norwegian police discovered the two paintings on August 31, 2006 but the facts on how they were recovered are not known yet.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Opening internet turnkey businesses in record numbers

It is becoming increasingly popular to open your own Internet turnkey business and women are just as active in this area as are men. There is much information needed before starting a home based business on the Internet, and here are five important things women should consider before opening their home based business.

Before you open, you are going to want to talk with various business professionals. Here is a short list of people you will want to speak with to get your business started properly. An honest accountant can set up appropriate weekly or monthly bookkeeping as well as record keeping for tax purposes. A lawyer who works with small business can register your business name and tell you how to protect yourself from business related lawsuits. This will usually mean incorporating and can be done at minimal cost. A casualty agent can help you to evaluate you r insurance needs. Most home based Internet businesses will not need help here, but they can better narrow down specific areas that may need insurance coverage. Lastly, should you need start up capital you will want to speak to a business coach who can guide you, as well as help in areas of bookkeeping and possible future business expansion. There are other places you can find information. The local chamber of commerce is a great spot to look. Also, local women’s business clubs can be very valuable. You can also check your library for local business directories.

Second, be sure to know exactly what type of business insurance you may need. You can check your homeowner’s policy to look for possible personal business coverage. If this is not included you can have your policy extended for this coverage if it is necessary. Or, if your policy does not have this provision you may want to seek out an independent agent, as they are not obligated to one insurance company.

Thir d, decide if you will go into business on your own or with a partner. Partners can be helpful sharing the workload and adding additional insight. If you go solo you are the owner and must take full responsibility for the business and all of the work and decisions involved. If you choose to take on a co-owner be sure to discuss this with your attorney so there are no questions about your financial set up. Nothing will come between partners faster than unresolved monetary issues and this could mean the end of the home Internet business.

Fourth, be sure to thoroughly research the costs involved in your Internet turnkey business. Be meticulous in creating a business plan. This will allow you to realize if you will need financial help, such as a bank loan, or if you will check for other outside investors. There are also many government grants that are specifically created for women starting out in any type of business. This grant money, which does not have to be repaid, can be th e difference between remarkable success and abject failure.

Finally, choose a quiet area in your home to be your office. This choice will be important so that you can work without interruption and consistently. Distractions will derail your best work intentions, and could cause stress to the whole family.

All of the above are critical to create a solid foundation for your business. Be sure to speak to experienced business professionals, and do as much research as you can. Knowledge is king when it comes to opening your own Internet turnkey home business. Absorb all the business knowledge you can find. Take business courses at a local community college or attend appropriate seminars. Once you have a functional knowledge of the inner workings of your home business you will be able to open and run it with confidence as well as competence.

How to find cheap unusual and beautiful fabrics for quilting

Quilter’s are always on the lookout for beautiful fabrics and supplies for their quilting projects. Sometimes the most unusual and pretty designs can be found in places one wouldn’t normally consider.

Some of the best places and tactics to find fabrics include the following.

Swap meets or flea markets are a fun place to shop. On occasion you will find sellers liquidating bolts of materials. Usually these materials are unused and were excess inventory or closeouts. Last Sunday I found a vendor with a selection of 30 different types of materials in bolts of 30 and 40 yards. He was selling each one at fifty cents a yard.

At garage sales, you will find quilters selling excess materials and tools. You may also increase your chances of finding quilters selling items by going to neighborhoods that have a larger population of retired folks. Retirees seem to have more time for quilting and seem to sell off their items regularly. Garage sales in mobile home parks seem to yield good finds.

Online auction sites can reap a great supply of fabrics without leaving your house. Watch out for shipping costs. I like to search for auctions that are in or adjacent states. After the auction, I email the seller requesting a reduction in shipping because of same shipping zone.

Storage auctions are a little bit more hit and miss than the others sources listed above. Check your local newspaper for storage auction dates and times or call the various storage unit facilities and ask about auction dates. The best part is that before the bidding begins, the door is opened and you are allowed to look inside.

Quilting shows are really competitive. Usually the last day, you will find blowout sales and bargains. The sellers don’t want to leave the show with excess inventory.

Estate sales can yield some surprising finds. Look in your paper for estate sales. Similar to garage sales, I’ve found the best luck in retired residences or mobile home estate sales.

International trips can be fun. I have found great bargains and really beautiful fabrics in faraway lands such as India, Thailand, and Africa. You can even pay for your trip by purchasing extra fabrics and selling it at a quilt show or local quilting guild.

Classified ads can be a way to have people calling you to sell their excess fabrics. You can place a classified ad in your newspaper of penny saver paper stating that you are buying fabric.

This list should help with getting your creative juices flowing. I am sure there are many other tactics to finding quilting fabric. Just keep your eyes, ears, and mind open to opportunities. Happy hunting!

Looking for a massage colorado

Colorado has many things to offer, and to end it all up you may need a massage Colorado. With such a wide variety of things to do and take in while you are in Colorado you may wan tot consider the advantages of having a massage don while you are there. Whether it is business or pleasure that you are there for you will find the things that you want to do and the right massage to meet your needs. Everyone should be able to get the massage that they need while they are in Colorado. Whether it is from spending a long day of skiing on the slopes or if you have just had a very stressful business meeting; finding a massage to manage your stress and pain should not be very challenging at all if you know what you want.

There are a wide variety of massages that are available in Colorado depending on your needs of course. If you have been participating in a sporting event you may be interested in receiving a sports massage. Of course you may be looking to do this to prepare you for your event or you may be looking to receive a massage following the event to aid you in the recovery process so that you can more quickly recover. What if you just need some stress relief fro the day. Then you would want to consider a Swedish massage. This massage will give you the relief you need as it helps to push the toxins and lactic acid out of your muscle groups to make them feel more relaxed and you stress free. There is the deep tissue massage which can be used to aid in relieving severe muscle aches and pains and in keeping you limber and relaxed. Of course if you are suffering from headaches you may look into receiving a head massage in order to provide you with relief that you need to keep your thoughts and mind clear. Whatever your massage need is you will be able to fill them in Colorado.

However one needs to be wary when shopping for a massage. First of all make sure you know what kind of a massage you are looking to get. Also look into what type of establishment you will be visiting when you go to get your massage. You want to go to a place that is clean and has a reputation that is well known for being good throughout the community. Make sure that the place employs people who have been schooled in the art of massage and is just not hiring people off of the street to fill needs. Look into whether or not they have any complaints filed against them as that should be a red flag to indicate that you should not be going there. Essentially do your research and pick the establishment that will do the best job for you. Remember you are there to relax, not to stress out over the type of massage facility that you are going to.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Increasing link popularity

You're probably wondering what the blazes is popular about a link! Well, in a word - plenty! Link popularity refers to the ranking assigned to your website by the search engines, and it determines the ranking your page gets when keywords are entered into a search engine. So, you're probably wondering, how do I make my link popular?

Search engines are discretionary, giving status and ranking to sites that have links to their pages from related, quality sites. It's a simple formula, but a very important one. Google created the system, and now virtually all the most popular search engines employ it to rank your web pages in their indexes.

The more commonly used your keyword is, the harder it will be to achieve link popularity, but without achieving this step, it is almost certain your site will never rank highly on any search engine. But don't be discouraged; there are tried and true ways of achieving link popularity using the most competitive keywords.

There are a few things you should be aware of. The first is that just linking up with a large number of other websites will not achieve link popularity. In fact, it may have quite the opposite effect. This is particularly true when pertaining to websites that are nothing more than "link farms" - pages containing line after line of indiscriminate links. Search engines may aggressively discriminate against your website if you are associated with a link farm, so steer clear of them!

The next thing to bear in mind is the quality of the site you are linking to. Never link to a page you have reservations about your visitors seeing. The last thing you want your website to appear as is indiscriminate and cheap. Linking to sites of poor quality will only lessen your link popularity, if not completely destroy it.

So let's get to what you need to do to achieve supreme link popularity and improve your rankings to stellar status on all the popular search engines.

The first step, and the fastest way to get your foot in the door, is to get a listing in a popular directory, such as Open Directory Project and Yahoo. If your site is business-related, you will want to be listed on Yahoo, and despite the fact that it will cost you around $300 a year, it will be money well spent. If your site is non-commercial, the listing will be free, but it will take time and follow-up to actually get it listed. Open Directory is gives you a free listing whether you are business-related or non-commercial, but be prepared to make a lot of follow-up inquiries before you see your site listed.

You are aiming to get listed in the highest level of appropriate category, and this just takes some common sense. For example, if your company ships Alpaca wool from an Alpaca farm located in the middle of Nowhere, Tiny State, do NOT submit your listing to "Retailers from Nowhere, Tiny State." BIG MISTAKE! All you have to do is look a little deeper - and submit your listing to the "Fine Alpaca Wool" category. You will not only associate yourself with culture and quality, but you will be listed in a national category.

The next step after you have attained directory listings is to locate other quality sites that will increase your link popularity. Try to find sites that are in some way related to yours, so not only will your link popularity increase, but your customer base may also be expanded. You want to avoid your competitors and look for sites that are useful to your site's visitors. Let's look at the Alpaca Wool site example. Linking up to a site that sells knitting supplies would be helpful to your visitors, and the chances of the knitting supply site wanting to link up to your site are also greater. By linking to a related site that will be relevant to your website's traffic, you are increasing both of your site's business prospects - and both of your sites' link popularity.

Not all sites want to link to other sites, so you will have to do some research when you are looking for possible linking partners. Google is an excellent starting place for your search. Make sure you enter keywords that you think quality customers will also enter to find your own site. Remember, your criteria are quality, highly ranked, non-competing websites that have a links or resources page. Go to these sites and objectively assess them. Look at the quality of the product, the graphics, and the ease of use. Then check out the other sites they are linked to, and determine if your own site would fit in with the crowd.

When you decide you have found a good prospect, you must set out to woo them. The first thing to do is to add a link on your own links page to their site. This is an essential first step; it shows good faith, and ups your chances significantly of their reciprocity. After you have added their link, you must contact the webmaster of their site. Since this is almost always done by email, you want to make sure it is immediately clear that your message is not junk mail. This requires that you tell them right off the bat that you have added a link to their page on your site. A hook like this almost always insures the reader will read on.

Next, be sure to be flattering and let them know how much you appreciate their website. Make sure you emphasize that you have actually visited their site, and that their site is not just a random pick. Give them the address of your links page, and ask them to check out the link for themselves. It's a good idea to mention that they will not only benefit from the increased traffic your website will direct their way, but you will also increase their link popularity. Briefly, explain why link popularity is so essential, but do this in a sentence or two so you don't sound like a professor! Finally, tell them you would greatly appreciate if they would reciprocally add a link on their own links page to your website.

Go through this process with as many appropriate sites as you can find, bearing in mind the criteria of quality and non-competitiveness. After you have emailed all relevant sites, be sure to check these website frequently to see if they have added a link to your page. Give it about a month, and if no link appears, try another charming email. Then give it another month, and if your site is still absent from their links page, it's time to remove their link from your own links page. The only time you want to pursue a link further than this is if you believe a site is crucial to your link popularity and your business needs. Just remember to keep all your communications complimentary and cordial.

Then set up a schedule to check your ranking in search engines frequently to see if your link popularity has improved. This is not achievable in the blink of an eye. It will take some time and a good deal of work. There is no way around the labour-intensive quality of improving your link popularity, which is why search engines regard it with such importance.

By the way - make sure you have a beautiful, streamlined site or you will never persuade anyone to link up to you. Be prepared to keep plugging away at this process, as long as it takes, until you achieve link popularity stardom!

Thursday, July 21, 2016

How to choose the right automobile for your family

In this day and age most families could not fathom doing without the convenience of an automobile, which makes the buying process an important one. When attempting to choose the right car for your family, it’s important to consider a variety of factors that will help to make sure your ride is a smooth one.

First and foremost, you will need to ensure that your family’s automobile is a safe one. As a consumer, you can check the results of government crash test and/or safety ratings online or by asking your local dealership for further information. If purchasing an SUV, for instance, it may be especially important for you to consider the rollover capability. If you are like most, you will also find it beneficial to learn how the automobile held up in crash test ratings.

If you have children, interior space is likely to be a priority on your list of auto amenities. Whether it’s storage space for toting sports equipment, musical instruments for band practice or just a little extra room for a special trip to the toy store, it’s a good idea to consider comfort in terms of available space, movability and leg room.

Whether you are purchasing a new or used automobile, a warranty is an important consideration. New vehicles typically come with a manufacturer’s warranty, while previously owned automobiles may have a portion of the manufacturer’s warranty remaining or possibly even one that is offered directly from the dealership. If the original manufacturer’s warranty has expired, there may be an option of purchasing an extended warranty from the manufacturer upon request. This is typically only available on newer model vehicles, but it is a consideration for those investing in a previously-owned ride.

If you purchase a used automobile, it’s advisable to ask the seller for the VIN number and/or Carfax report. If the dealership or private owner doesn’t have a Carfax report, you can obtain one yourself using the VIN number. This information is helpful in determining the vehicle’s actual mileage, accident record, service or repair history and more. Additionally, a Carfax report can let you know whether or not the automobile has ever been involved in a recall and/or reported as stolen, both of which are important to know when choosing a vehicle for your family.

For new cars it is possible to request to see the invoice for the car, which will tell you how much the dealership had to pay for the vehicle at their wholesale cost. Many car dealers will bargain to a price within a thousand dollars or so of this invoice price if you negotiate with them. This of course doesn't apply to some companies like Saturn, which does business at sticker-price only.

Be aware that any "factory rebates" are technically reimbursements from the manufacturer, not the dealer. As such, it isn't entirely uncommon to be able to purchase a car for BELOW the invoice price if there are a lot of factory incentives available for the model car you are purchasing and the dealer is being particularly flexible on pricing.

Last but not least, the cost of operation for an automobile is a significant consideration when choosing the right vehicle for your family. Gas mileage and the cost of auto insurance are both important in terms of affordability. In general, an SUV uses more gasoline and will carry a higher cost of auto insurance. The age of an automobile also plays a role in the cost of auto insurance, which is typically more expensive on new vehicles than on earlier models.

A great decorating idea- stencils

How to pick stencils for your home. Uses of stencils on different materials. Finding the right pattern of stencils.

One of the fastest growing trends in home decorating recently has been stencil design. Using stencils adds a creative note to any home and you can incorporate the styles and colors to suit your own tastes. You don't have to be an artist to have beautiful artistic expressions on your walls and furniture, you just have to have a good imagination and be able to follow instructions. Stencil designs are an easy and fun way to literally "imprint" your style on your home.

There are a number of ways in which you can use stencil design. Most people use stencils on walls, but it is also used successfully on furniture, glass such as mirrors and windows, and on fabrics. There are many people use use stenciling as a hobby and they do not even use it as an interior decorating tool, but just to create beautiful artifacts that have lovely stenciled designs on them. There are t-shirts, vases and wooden furniture that look beautiful with a stencil design on them.

The most common way of using stencil design is to create borders on the edges of walls. But with a little imagination, you can decorate an entire wall with stencils, using large patterns or repeating one pattern over and over. Consider using stencils on fabrics and covering your chairs or curtains in a stencil to match a pattern on the walls.

There are so many patterns and designs of stencils that it is easy to find one that suits your taste and decor. You can find pattern in craft shops, home improvement stores, and of course, on line. If you are considering a stencil project, be sure you lay out exactly what you want for the room or for the item you are stenciling. You can choose a fantasy look, or create a forest or garden right in your home. There are many simple, classical lines that add just an elegant touch to a room, and there are very ornate ones if that goes with your theme.

You can even carry this artistry one step further and create your own stencils. Using a pattern from the wallpaper or drapery fabric you have chosen for the room, you can trace it out and make your own design.

Though stenciling is fun and easy to do, you will have more success if you do a little research to learn the right kinds of brushes and paints to use, and how to prepare surfaces properly.

Using your imagination, doing some research, and getting involved in this interesting project will give you a unique look for your home that you and your family will enjoy.

Business loans - finance your dreams

We all have dreams. If you have dreamed of owning a group of companies or taking your business to new heights thus becoming a successful businessperson but it is the money that’s hindering your way. You need not worry because now you have business loans that can help you finance your dreams.

Business loans are provided to those who are looking forward to start up a new business or expand the existing one. These loans provide the entrepreneurs with enough financial assistance.

There are several types of business loans available in the market. Start up business loans help to start a new business. These are given to those who have a strong desire of starting up a business but are unable to do so because of some financial crisis. If you want to start with a small business and require relatively less amount, then a small business loan is the best option for you. With large business loans you can make large capital investments, start a new business and even expand the existing one.

One can avail a business loans in either of the two forms – secured or unsecured. Secured business loans can be availed only if you have something like a property or home to place as collateral. They are given at a low interest rate provided you have a good credit score and the collateral holds a higher value.

If you do not want to put a property as collateral for the fear of getting it repossessed by the lender, you can opt for unsecured business loans. These are generally given at a higher rate of interest. It takes into consideration your present business volume and credit score.

Sanction of a business loan depends on factors such as the business plan, loan purpose, credit score and the collateral placed. The loan amount can be drawn according to one’s requirements and financial condition. Normally, with a business loan you can extract money ranging from Ј5,000 to Ј100,000. The repayment period is between 3-25 years. Keeping all these things in mind the lender decides the loan amount, interest rate and monthly installments of the borrower.

Benefits of business loans are: -

 Fastest way of raising money for business.

 Flexible repayment options.

 Ownership of your company is retained.

 Tax-free interest rate.

 An effective tool for debt consolidation.

 Can be used for expanding or renovating premises.

The loan procedure involves lot of paper work, which is quite chaotic. An alternative to this is the provision of various online loan-providing organizations existing on different websites that keep you away from all hassles. Just a little effort is required to fill in the loan application form. You need to give all the relevant details required and the lender will serve you service with the best possible deal.

Hence, now put all your worries under the pillow and make a fresh opening of your business plans. If you make a judicious use of the loan, you can go a long way expanding your business thus making your dreams come true.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Indulge your whim with colorado refinance home loan

They say the only thing that’s constant in this world is change. No statement could be truer. Places change. The weather changes sporadically. Species evolve on a regular basis. Humans, more than anything, are susceptible to change. Minds are changed almost as often as clothes are changed. Job descriptions change, as well as religious inclinations.

It’s Called Wanderlust

But possibly one of the most common changes that humans go through is locations. Humans are always traveling from one point to another. Even the trip from the kitchen to the living room is traveling. Most humans also can’t be made to stay put. Chances are a person who grew up in Florida would want a Colorado refinance home loan to move to Colorado, and vice versa. It probably has something to do with the belief that the grass is greener on the other side. Whatever it is, a Colorado refinance home loan is just one of the many things to indulge such a whim.

The Perfect Setup

Colorado is the home of the famous Rocky Mountains, the perfect escape for those who want to get away from it all and those who are desperate for change. Vacationers go there to escape the pressures of work and the mundane life. Others take it to the next level and, with the help of a Colorado refinance home loan, settle for good.

There’s much to be had and enjoyed in Colorado. Sports enthusiasts will never tire of the great outdoors offered by the state. There are mountains as far as the eyes could see and glorious weather to enjoy it with. Ski resorts, hot springs, virgin forests, and wildlife reservations abound. Indeed, there’s no wonder why people needing change head straight to the Rockies to get a Colorado refinance home loan.

A Colorado refinance home loan gives you the flexibility that you need. If it is solitude that you want, you won’t be left wanting. There are enough areas in Colorado that are secluded enough to suit you. If you are a people person, once again Colorado has enough people to satisfy your appetite for conversation. You won’t even have to settle for the locals all the time. There are enough visitors to the area all year round to ensure a fresh supply of brains to pick.

Animal lovers will be in seventh heaven. In Colorado, wildlife is literally wild. The forests are teeming with exotic birds, rare insects, snakes, bears, wolves, deer, and wild cats. You have but to take a walk to find them and appreciate them in all their majesty – before you run for your life.

A Change Will Do You Good

Change is indeed a strange phenomenon. People would invest thousands, and even millions of dollars, as well as avail of a Colorado refinance home loan in pursuit of change. People would travel across continents, learn new languages, and immerse themselves in new cultures in the name of change. It is an inherent human desire that must be indulged at all possible opportunities. After all, we only live once and it’s best to live life the fullest way possible.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Blogging to the bank how to create a money making blog empire in 30 days

'What would you do if you had to start your internet business from scratch with no money at all?' This is a question that often pops up on the message boards of affiliate marketing sites. It usually comes from newbies trying to figure out what works best and fast. And the same answer comes up from experienced internet gurus: Create money making blog empires!

Why are blog empires a perfect way for making money?

1. Blogs are easy to set up and manage:

Maintaining a blog doesn't require programming and webdesign skills. You just register an account with a blogging service like Blogger. com, and you can start immediately posting messages.

2. There are no start-up costs:

Blogging services like Blogger are absolutely free. You don't need to spend money on hosting and domain names. If you run 30-50 niche sites and pay a domain name for each, it's a huge sum of money. If you run 30-50 or hundreds of blogs, when using free bloggging services, it doesn't cost you a dime.

3. Blogs are indexed by search engines within days:

One of the main problems that website owners have to overcome is getting into the search engines. With Google it can be an annoyingly long process (think of the Google sandbox effect). In the meantime, blogs are indexed much faster, usually within days, thanks to RSS feeds.

4. Blogs are a better way to promote affiliate products:

This comes from the nature of blogs. Blogs are a series of subjective opinions written by everyday people. It is a well-known fact, that the best way to sell affiliate products is to write a sincere, positive review. Experienced internet gurus use this technique to rank in tens of thousands of dollars monthly. Word of mouth advertising is till one of the most effective methods to persuade people to buy something. A well written blog post can do this for you.

5. Blogs can be easily monetized by using Adsense:

Contextual advertising is a popular way for webmasters to earn money without effort. With blogs it is the same. Just put a piece of code into your page's source and there you have it. Then wait for your visitors to click the ads. Even if you don't know much of HTML codes, you can benefit from displaying text ads. Blogger offers you to put Adsense ads on your blog's template, and you can do this from the Blogger menu with a few clicks, so no need to bother with HTML codes. It even offers you to match the color of ads with the colors of your blog's layout. It is called blending and it increases click through rates enormously.

Secret methods of creating money making blog empires fast

Method 1:

The first method is to create blogs that concentrate on certain problems. In your posts first describe the problem, then offer a solution. This solution should be an affiliate product or service, that you promote. Most people use the internet to find information for solving a problem. For example, treatments for acne problems, solutions for money matters, where to rent a car on holidays, reliable softwares against viruses and spams, etc. This is where you can wirte about how you had the same problem and how this or that product solved it.

If you start 5 blogs a day, you will have 150 blogs at the end of the first month. Imagine how much money you can earn from this blog empire. And that would be just the first month. This method sounds simple and obvious but many affiliate bloggers do it wrong. There is a new way found out by Rob Benwell to do this successfully. You can read more about it in my blog: blogging-to-the-bank. blogspot. com

Method 2:

This is a less often used method. Use your blogs as online courses or online tutorials. Find a topic and start a series of posts like it's a series of lessons. Your fist post should be lesson 1, the second post should be lesson 2, and so on. Place affiliate links into your posts. You can also use these blogs for generating Adsense revenue. Keep the number of lessons between 10-20. If you don't like writing or don't know the subject well enough, go to free article directories. Pick 10-20 articles of your subject area and convert them into a series. That's all.

Start blogging today and in a month you will have a blog empire earning you a decent amount of money. For more information see my blog below.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Relaxation how to relax and unwind

I haven’t got time to relax – really? Have you got time not too?

Being able to relax is important to achieving optimal performance and health. You name it; being relaxed will increase your productivity in it. If you're not relaxed, everything you do will be a struggle. Relaxation provides mind-body integration necessary for peak performance.

It is important to relax to get your mind clear and your body tension free; to regain focus and to cool down and to help return to a balanced physical state. Relaxation is vital for a healthy mind and is required to maintain motivation and interest in our lives and careers. Not being able to relax and unwind can be damaging to your health. Even when there are huge demands on your life, you may have a large family, an important career, and a home amongst your other weekly commitments - it is still necessary to find your own time and space to relax.

It is very important that throughout the day we find time to relax. Twenty minutes, two or three times a day, is preferred. If you can’t manage twenty minutes, it’s important to realise that whatever amount of time you do manage to get to relax will be beneficial to your mind and body, even if not noticeably so.

When time is short there are a number of things you can do: reading, writing, daydreaming or just sitting quietly. Quite often what ever you do to relax will be personal and work for you, so you need to find what works best.

As a Life Coach I have worked with numerous people with issues relating to relaxation and stress etc. It’s interesting that initially many find it difficult to slow down and see the benefits of taking more time out. However after a few weeks and a couple of life coaching sessions focused on this area, and a bit of commitment on their part, most change their ways and wax lyrical about the benefits to their lives.

Some of the common benefits of relaxation are:

• It improves your ability to concentrate. It will help you in your ability to tune out distractions and gives you better sensory awareness.

• It improves body awareness; you need to know when you are under or over doing it.

• It speeds up healing time following an injury and fatigue, the body needs to recover fully if it’s going to perform at an optimal level in the near future.

• Learning is enhanced, it is much easier to introduce new thoughts and ideas when your mind is clear and you are relaxed. Skills are best learned when you are in a relaxed state and there is an absence of tension.

• It helps you sleep better

• You become more efficient

• It puts your focus back on the present and gives you a sense of control

• It increases energy

If you don’t take the time to unwind and relax regularly, you might be putting not only your own health and well-being at risk but also that of others as well.

In relation to your responsibility to the health and safety of others; we only have to think of driving a car, or operating machinery, and how our ability to do these tasks diminishes when we are tense, tired and stressed. So in fact our responsibility to relax is not just for our own sake but also for that of others.

With regards to our own health and emotional well-being, if we don’t make time to relax regularly we are putting our health and mental health at risk of failure. Some of the effects of lack of relaxation are below:

• Headache, common ones being tension headaches and migraines. Controlling tension and relaxing can help migraines. Tension headaches are susceptible by definition to treatment by relaxation.

• Chronic fatigue, your body is in a total sate of fatigue. You suffer from total lack of energy and motivation all of the time.

• Cardiovascular disorders, high blood pressure and heart disease, heart attack.

• Gastrointestinal problems, diarrhoea, constipation and stomach ulcers as well as indigestion and heartburn.

• Poor immune system, becoming susceptible to illness

Early warning signs that we need to have a break and relax are:

• Yawning/sighing

• Lack of concentration

• Feeling the urge to stretch and move about

• General drop in performance

• Feelings of stress and irritability

• Performing uncommon errors

• Tiredness

If we are aware of the signs and take notice of them and take a break etc, you could avoid a lot of stress and fatigue, you will be more rational and focused, and better equipped to carry on, and be far healthier.

Spending a lifetime of ignoring the signs could impact heavily, not only on your health, well-being and happiness but also those around you. Relationships could suffer as well as your career. On a personal note, the consequences of not taking time to relax over a lifetime could mean you pay the ultimate price.

You say you don’t have time to relax. I say you don’t have time not too. You are your own best resource; you need to take time to nurture and look after yourself.

Shopping tips for furniture for the children s room

The options appear endless and you probably have gift certificates from a baby shower to use. As you fast forward to your second or third child the wonder of shopping for children's furniture has likely worn off a bit and the realistic aspects of shopping for children’s furniture begins to creep in. In either event, the ideas that you should keep in mind are fairly simple. Keeping to them as the children age may be a bit of a different thing, but the principles remain the same.

Check for safety

One would think that checking to make sure that children's furniture is safe would go without saying. One would also imagine that manufacturers would make sure that the furniture is safe as a matter of course. Unfortunately, neither is true. Shoppers tend to be more interested in how a piece of furniture will look in their home then how safe it is. Also unfortunate is that manufacturers cater to this interest. It is up to you, the shopper, to make sure your child will be safe. With this in mind consider these safety areas; spaces where a head can get lodged between to surfaces - this is most important between the mattress and rail or wall, Sharp corners, exposed bolts, uncapped tubing, uneven chair legs, lead paint, ill-attaching shelving, to heavy pictures and spaces where hands/legs/feet or clothing can be stuck or caught.

Think longer term

Durability of children's furniture has quite a bit to do with practicality and cost effectiveness. As you troll down the furniture isles, shop with the idea that you may be having more then one child or more to come. You may have had financial help, and a somewhat smaller selection of furniture needs when you were dealing with an infant, but now you need to think a bit longer term and how much these children are actually going to costs. This is why the word hand-me-down came into existence. Bunk beds are a prime idea to think about in this instance. If you find the right set, they can be used as singles or doubles. Desk sets are another item to consider when thinking long term. In either instance, try to stay somewhat gender neutral for longer term purchases so both sexes can be equally disappointed.

Color choices

As you shop, consider the color of the pieces you are looking at. Will they go with a variety of wall colors and paper patterns? The wall color will change as the child ages and finds their own taste. Reality dictates that this will happen quite a few times during the younger middle ages. The furniture that you pick out should be able to keep pace with a variety of odd colors and patterns.

First, middle and last child

As much as you would like to buy furniture for the first child and have it last through the last child it is readily apparent that this will not happen. Furniture does break and wear out. So is the life cycle of children’s furniture. As the children age, however, your tactics and choices begin to change as well. If you are buying for the last child, you may want to consider that you are also buying for yourself, unless you buy to well and the child takes the piece with them when they leave the house. From this perspective, you have two routs to choose from when you are buying furniture for the latter children in your life: buy it with the intention of giving it away or throwing it out or buying it as a quality piece that will end up in another location for your use when the child is gone.

Child's input

As much as you would like to be in total control of the children’s furniture buying process, at some point the child will speak up for their own tastes. This is a good sign in the child’s development but slightly annoying, to be sure, in the middle of a furniture store. Let the child have their say on a few “important” items that they simply “can’t live without.”Do, however, exercise you veto power if you feel you need to.


However much you would like to avoid the concept, technology furniture is a reality of life in today’s world. A good solid piece of furniture that addresses today’s technology is a good investment and will stay with the child through a good portion of their young life. There are, however, two very important considerations to think about; do you want to buy a piece that will last forever like a good old fashioned, well made couch or do you buy knowing that nobody knows where technology will lead us in the reasonably near future? A tough call to be sure. Consider, however, just a good solid table, at adult height, that could be used for finger painting, home work with paper and table top technology.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Blurry windshield change windshield wiper blades

Some things could only live for so long. And just like everything else, windshield wiper blades also do wear down and completely stop performing. You may not need your windshield wipers everyday however it is still important that you do make sure that they are in good condition so that come the time that you need them, they would serve your purposes perfectly.

Imagine if you would be driving during a torrential downpour or through a foggy day or through a snowy afternoon with windshield wipers whose blades have already broken down or are already hanging halfway across the whole wiper arm. Sure enough, your chances of meeting accidents would be much greater for your view is greatly diminished.

To start off, you should first purchase a complete set of windshield wiper blades that are according to your car’s specifics. If you do not know where to purchase such blades, you can try looking through the Internet for stores that offer such. Or if you are concerned about your private information’s security, you can try purchasing at your trusted local auto parts store instead.

Most people have a hard time figuring out how to put in new windshield wiper blades. After all, if you do would notice, the whole package of windshield wipers come with an instruction manual in a couple of languages along with a whole set of complicated instructions. However, automobile experts inform owners like you that the whole process is really an easy deal as long as you do get familiar with the whole windshield wiper contraption.

Pull the wiper arm and make sure that it is not resting on your car’s windshield anymore. Then, you can start removing the old wiper blade from the arm. Some windshield wipers need you to simply push on a tab and pull the blade off. However, there are some wipers that ask you to lift a tab with a small screwdriver to take the blade loose.

When you have removed the old blade, you can now put in the new blade on the arm. Make sure that you put it in correctly. You would know because the blade is already secure on the arm. If not, you would notice that it seems like it would fly off once you are cruising down the streets. If you are satisfied that the blade has been successfully replaced, you can now put the windshield wiper arm back to its old position.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Introduction to basic volleyball

The worst situation that a volleyball team could be in is to show up at a game without knowing what skills they needed to win the game. Hitting the ball, being in the right place, and playing competitively can help to win the game as well as gain confidence in the sport. Focusing on the basics for volleyball can help you to gain the skills you need for every game.

1. Serving. This is what always starts the game and helps to keep the game. There are two basic types of serves. One is overhand; where the player will throw the ball in the air first, then hit it. The second is underhand, where the server will hold the ball and swing their other arm underneath the ball to hit it. There are a variety of other serves beyond these basics, all which help to get the ball over the net, and get the game going.

2. Pass or reception. This is usually set up by the setter of the game. It is used in order to take the ball and give it to the other players on your own team. They will then have the ability to put the ball to the other side like they want to. You can either pass by the forearm or by hitting the ball overhead.

3. Tip. A tip is used as a way to trick the other team into thinking that the ball is going further than it will. The player will hit the ball lightly, making it go over the net but not too far into the other player's area so that they can't hit it back.

4. Dig. This is the ability for a player to save the ball from hitting the court after it has been spiked. It usually requires a player to slide underneath the ball on the court or to dive underneath the ball.

5. Rebound. This occurs when the ball stays on one side, making the players rebound, or take the ball back.

With all of these different hits for a ball, you will want to make sure that the players have the ability to move freely and effectively with every move. With all of these different hits, the players will need to connect where they want to hit the ball with the way that their feet move. For example, a dig will require the feet to move under the body in order to save the ball. A serve will require more balance on both feet in order to hit the ball more effectively. This will be important to keep in mind as you are training players.

The basics of volleyball hits can lead a long way when you are working towards playing the game. If you are finding ways to teach techniques to players, this is the place to start. It will allow everyone to have a good chance at controlling and hitting the ball, no matter what the set up is.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Depression - symptoms causes and treatment options

Depression is a complex of psychological and physical symptoms. Low mood level or sadness is often the most prominent symptom. The common property of these symptoms is a decreased activity level in parts of the brain.


Depression may give one or more of these symptoms:

-Low mood level or sadness.

-Lack of joy or interest in activities that were joyful before.


-Feel of guilt of something without any substantial reason to feel so.

-Inferiority thoughts.


-Slowness in the thought process.

-Slowness in interpreting sensorial stimuli.

-Slowness of digestion or other internal physical processes, and symptoms caused by this slowness, for example inflated stomach, constipation or difficulties by urination.

-Slow physical reactions.

Depression can be a mild disease that only causes some annoyance in the daily life, but can also get very serious and make a person totally unable to work and unable to participate in social life. By depression of some severity, there is also a greater risk of suicide.

Depression can occur in all age classes. In teenagers lack of interest in school work, withdrawal from social life and difficult mood can be signs of depression.


By depression there is a decreased amount of neurotransmitters in parts of the central nervous system, mainly deficiency of serotonin, but also to some extend of noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine or gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA), or the nerve cells do not react properly by stimulation from neurotransmitters. A neurotransmitter is a signal substance that transmits the nerve signal through the junctions between two nerve cells.

Serotonin and noradrenalin cause nerve cells to send impulses along to other nerve cells, and thus increase the activity in the brain. Deficiency of these substances causes slowness in parts of the brain, and that again causes the depressive symptoms.

The role of GABA is the opposite, namely to slow down some nerve impulses, mainly those causing anxiety and panic response. Lack of GABA causes higher anxiety and easier panic response. Yet, lack of this transmitter also seems to cause depressive symptoms. This is because a too high activity in some brain processes may slow down other processes.

There are many causes and subtypes of depression with different physiological mechanisms involved.


Depression is often divided into subtypes according to exhibited symptoms.

1. Mono-polar depression and dysthymic disorder

By mono-polar depression there are pure depressive symptoms. Mild cases of mono-polar disorder that do not affect a persons ability to work and to participate in social activities are often called dysthymic disorder.

2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive disease) and cyclothymic disorder

In this condition there are periods with symptoms of depression - the depressive phase, alternating with periods of elevated mood level with increased mental and physical activity - the manic phase. In the manic phase, the affected person also sleeps poorly and has concentration difficulties. A mild form of this disease is called cyclothymic disorder.

3. Manic disorder

This condition is characterized by abnormally elevated mood, by unrealistic optimism, by lack of sleep and by hyperactive behaviour. Many psychiatrists think that this disorder is simply the same disease as bipolar disorder where the depressive face has not yet occurred.

4. Depression with mainly physical symptoms

Sometimes the physical symptoms of depression are alone or dominant, as for example: Digestive problems, constipation, difficulties with urination, slow response to sensorial stimuli or slow physical reactions.


Two or more factors can have an effect simultaneously to cause depression. Depression can be an independent disease, or a part of other disease. Depression is also divided into different subtypes according to cause.

1. Reactive depression

This disease is simply a result from psychological stress, physical struggle or mental straining without proper rest or sleep over a long time period. The straining will simply wear out the nervous system or deplete the organism from nutrient necessary for the nervous system to work properly.

2. Endogenous depression

When there has not been any period of stress, straining or lack of rest that can explain the condition, the condition is often called endogenous depression. Inheritance is thought to be a part of the cause.

3. Depression by physical disease

Depression or depressive symptoms may be a symptom of physical disease. This is perhaps the most common cause of depression. Generally there are three categories of diseases that give depression:

Diseases often associated with depression are: Heart disease, Parkinson's disease, stroke, hypertension or Cushing's syndrome.

Mononucleosis or flu may trigger depression that continues after the infection has gone.

By lack of thyroid hormones, hypothyroidism, the metabolism in the whole body is slowed down, including the production of neurotransmitters in the brain. Therefore depression is an important symptom of hypothyroidism.

4. Depressive symptoms as a consequence of unsound lifestyle

A general unsound lifestyle with too less exercise, too much of stimulants like alcohol, coffee or tea, too less of important nutrient and too much of sugar and fat may give depressive symptoms, as well as physical problems.

5. Postnatal depression

Women will often have a period of depression after pregnancy and berth of the baby Pregnancy and berth is physically and mentally exhausting, and may drain the body for nutrient. This in turn can cause depressive symptoms


6. Seasonal affective disorder

Depression can occur in cold and dark periods of the year and go away in warm and light periods. Light stimulates brain activity, and lack of light is a causative factor.


Serious or prolonged depression is often treated with anti-depressive medication. Medicines used against depression generally increase the level of neurotransmitters like serotonin in the central nervous system, or they mimic the neurotransmitters.

The medications mostly used today increase the serotonin concentration by decreasing the removal of serotonin from the space around nerve cells. Examples of this medication type are: Fluoxetine (Prozac), fluvoxamine (Luvox), paroxetine (Paxil), escitalopram (Lexapro, Celexa), sentraline (zoloft).

By bipolar disorder in the manic face, heavy tranquilizers (neuroleptica) are used to stop the manic symptoms. By bipolar disorder, lithium salts are sometimes used to stabilize the condition, and prevent new outbreak of depressive or manic faces.

Psychotherapy is sometimes used by depression, usually in combination with medication.

Sometimes serious depression is treated by applying electric shock through the head, electroconvulsive therapy. The shock induces epileptic eruption of nerve signals through the brain and this gives cramps throughout the body. The cramps are alleviated or stopped by applying anaesthesia before the electroshock. This form of treatment is controversial, since it can cause memory loss and is suspected of causing brain damage. The possibility of brain damage is however denied by most psychiatrists.

By seasonal depression, light therapy maybe useful.

Adjustment of lifestyle should always be considered by depression or depressive symptoms. Lifestyle measures can sometimes be enough to cure depressive symptoms before a serious depression develop. Lifestyle adjustments can be:

- To slow down a stressful life with too much work or activities.

- Enough rest and sleep.

- A good diet with enough of necessary nutrients.

- Some physical exercise.

- Meditation.

- Supplement of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, lecithin, amino acids and essential fatty acids.

- Stimulants like coffee or tea may help against depressive feelings in moderate amount. However, if you are a heavy user of these stimulants, you should cut down on your consumption.

There exist nutritional products in the marked to help against depressive symptoms. These contain ingredients that the brain uses as building blocks for neurotransmitters, for example amino acids and lecithin. They also often contain vitamins and minerals that the brain uses as tools to produce neurotransmitters, especially vitamin B6.

Supplements may further contain herbal extracts that trigger higher brain activity much like anti-depressive medications, but may have fewer side effects.

Bird watching binoculars enter a new world of bird watching wonder

Binoculars are one of the essentials when it comes bird watching. They take a tiny speck and turn it into something you can not only see but identify as part of your bird watching experience. There are a number of different brands and styles that are available on the market ranging from a few dollars to thousands of dollars a pair depending on what you are looking for.

For basic bird watching, a standard set that you find in any hardware or sporting goods store will probably be appropriate to your needs. They are only a few dollars and usually hold up fairly well. Binoculars are always rated with two numbers. The first indicates the magnification power that the binoculars has. The second number indicates the front lens diameter.

Usually these are written in the following manner 7x23. This set of numbers indicates that the binoculars have a magnification of seven with a diameter of 23 millimeters on the front lens. The magnification power of the binoculars that you want depends on how far you plan to be away from the birds you are planning to watch. If you are planning to watch just around your neighborhood at birds that may be in trees or on the ground, then a lighter magnification will probably work. For those that want the ability to spend a large amount of time watching birds interact naturally or where the required distance is significantly greater than watching normal everyday birds, you will want to get a stronger magnification.

There are binoculars that have a single level of magnification, these are usually the basic style that allow simply a slight amount of focusing. There are then the styles that allow you to be able to alter not only the focus of the lens but also the level of magnification, allowing you to adjust between objects that are closer and farther away without having to have additional sets of binoculars.

When purchasing binoculars, check them out and make sure they are not too heavy. Some pairs can be hard to handle or hold up for longer periods of time, so this is another factor that you should consider if you are in the market to purchase a pair of binoculars. There are a number of lightweight models that offer a full range of features without being hard to handle. This is essential if you are planning to carry them around while trekking looking for birds or planning on sitting for long periods of time holding them up.

Nothing ruins a bird watching trip more than ending up not being able to spend the time you want or get to where you want due to the weight of the equipment. Some of the features to look for is scratch resistance on the lens, and a way to carry them other than in your hand or around your neck. This will help to not only protect them, but keep them out of the way while you are making your way to your location of choice.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Which door handle should you choose

The most basic of doorknobs is simply a protrusion on a door which provides a place for a hand to grab in order to pull the door towards you. However, most households prefer to use doorknobs which incorporate a mechanism which ensures the door remains closed until the mechanism is activated.

Doorknobs with this mechanism in work by use of a latch which extends from within the door into a recess in the frame This ensures that the door cannot be pulled open or perhaps blown open by a draft, but that the knob must be turned in order for the mechanism to work. The turning of the knob causes the latch to withdraw into the door itself, removing the blockage between the door and the frame and allowing the door to be opened. It is possible for knobs such as these to also incorporate a lock into them, which works by preventing the action of turning the handle. Generally these are in the form of a button in the centre of the knob which must be pushed in, or twisted depending on the style of knob, and which then stops the handle form being able to be turned. This is the simplest form of lock and can be useful in rooms such as bathrooms as they are simple to operate and means an additional lock does not need to be installed. However, there are cases where an additional lock can be beneficial, for example if the door is external, in which case a mortise lock is always recommended for security reasons.

These doorknobs are thought by many to be the only option as they fulfil all the criteria of a door handle. However, there are occasions when a different style of handle may be beneficial. Because these knobs require a good grip in order to turn them they may be difficult for elderly people, or those with grip problems, to utilise easily. They may need to use two hands to operate the knob which is not always practical, for example if they are carrying something. If the knob is situated close to a wall it may also cause problems as you may find yourself making contact with the wall when turning the knob. In these situations you may be advised to use a lever-style handle.

These work on the same mechanism as the door knob but they are operated by use of pressing down on a lever. This is often much easier for the majority of people to use as it relies not only on the power of the individual but also on gravity and the laws of physics regarding levers. They do not require you to have a firm grip on them either, so those who find gripping objects difficult should be able to use them much more easily.

When considering which handles to buy it is wise to bear in mind the people who you think may be using them before you make your final decision.